So I diligently practiced zazen. Practice sometimes five consecutive days in sesshin (approximately Zen retreat) in a dojo group will then produce effects on me not only physically ("ouch!" Or giving me a furious desire to end the session run, jump or dance!) but also mentally and spiritually. It allowed me to continue in effect a cleaning relations deteriorated with relatives for example, or it gave me a vision once-conception of reincarnation a bit more consistent with the Buddhist conception of the self as the Tibetan system for example. We do not do enough in this little Zen, unlike Buddhism Tantra, closer to India. So I had this vision of a pebble thrown into a river sinking to the bottom of the water while producing the surface waves in the singular form because of its particular fall, these waves on the surface of the water brought together elements of suspended solids which are condensed as it approaches the shore and eventually fail on the shore: a man is dead and gone, another is born, it was not the same but the second was the first product of karma, the actions of all kinds made by him (karma) are given by resonance with any new configuration still a causal relationship with the former. Hence the importance of the last moments.
's the vision I had of reincarnation. I do now reports that because it seems to offer some consistency within the context and the Buddhist system and is exchangeable in the same frame but I put it aside for some time now and the confusion is not my cup of tea even if the man is obviously for me a religious animal whatever time and place, and as such, there is necessarily universal in all religions and spiritualities. God is from eternity and having created man in His image and likeness, man has always talked about God and has always addressed to Him in all languages.
Dogen in his Genjo koan wrote: "In the Buddha's teaching, he has never been said that life becomes death. [...] Life and death have their own lives. [...] The life and death have an independent existence and have them report that qu'entretient winter with spring. Please do not think it's the winter turns into spring and spring into summer. "Sensei Deshimaru, commenting on Dogen resumed another metaphor:" It's the same relationship between the wood and ashes. Wood does not know and can not watch his ashes. Wood can watch the ashes of another stick but he can not watch his own ashes. It's the same thing between life and death, such as wood burning becomes ash. The ashes can not think before she was Wood and vice versa "Here and now is important. "Here and now includes all eternity."
I must admit that after all these years, even if the Resurrection is the foundation of my Orthodox faith and irrational force of my life, I persisted in the importance given to here and now without me overly concerned about either the end of the world or the Day of Judgement. I know too how much everything a man does or does not at any time has an impact on the entire cosmos in space and time and that his responsibility is significant for the health of the Cosmos that is to say, the Body of Christ himself. he will have to report at some point ... No need to spend too much time discussing the theory of tolls or to imagine precisely what will happen after our death, let alone to place too much importance to the accounts of Near Death Experiences, even if this is still attractive sometimes. So much to do now in this life, in this body to reduce our capacity to sin ... But mostly I also know that the kingdom is already there at any moment, since the Incarnation, life, death and resurrection of Our and the Lord grace can make us live life as long as we cooperate with our measurement. Everyone is not Seraphim of Sarov course or even Motovilov ... but many small miracles we are often offered. So I continued
Zazen spacing but increasingly the only sesshins and practicing more at home because I thought sometimes godos (= responsible for leading the meetings) still not very inspired and I even seem to hear too often made a little speech and little genuine resonance with those in the same place at the same time, practicing contemplation moot with me. I wanted to be in the presence of the master and sometimes I had the unfortunate impression of concentric circles of sub-disciples of disciples, the master having passed on the other side and starved
... But all this work was not without fruit as we shall soon see ...
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