This failed experiment Zen Christian (I have a beautiful book of JK Kadowaki "Zen and the Bible" by Editions Albin Michel, Collection Area book) helped me out of these waters to be mixed and greater account of my new commitment. My heart became a Christian, remained to sanctify his head.
So I made a nice package with my statues and Buddhist ritual objects (a devout charismatic strongly urged me to bury or dispose of them before I could administer an exorcism - which had not even thought and sent the Benedictine !...) Denis Lama to all with a letter telling him that, I made him become a Christian gift of these objects seem to me his by right. I added a request to my letter to him which he used to organize international meetings spiritual traditions, give me some tips and addresses for Christian spiritual masters so I can follow their teaching as they do in the Buddhism. It was a bit daring and perhaps a little cavalier in my hand, however Lama Denis not only thanked me but the gift he gave me three addresses willingly to Christian monks, which could correspond to my wishes, wishing me good road.
I hastened therefore, is on leave, contact the Spiritual Fathers would not know which one I should of course. And here's how
Providence, who took care of me at any moment of my research, Bless-It! - Intervened:
I had three contacts in three different monasteries and I do not know any of the three. So I phoned the first in the list several times, unsuccessfully. So I called the second, but still no success after several attempts. I began to feel a little discouraged. I only have one ... so who replied, one, the first phone call, I asked him if we could stay at his monastery, he replied in the affirmative, so I asked him if we could come quickly, and he answered it the was and I told him so my coming. I waited. So I took the train to my destination, then a taxi took me to the monastery in question. I do not say immediately where or how it was called the Father in question to leave some things unresolved. Arrived at the gate of the monastery, it seemed the most exotic (everything is relative ...) so I told my surprise the driver and asked him if he was not by chance an Orthodox monastery ...! I had never seen, but this idea came to me suddenly. He confirmed to me once in my intuition and I am delighted with the pleasant surprise because it's amazing but at the time I was more ecumenical (Yeah! Like what ...). I had read few books on Orthodoxy, but I was more open to this area it belonged to me at the time of the East which I expected from the hello beginnings of my research.
This monastery was that of Father Placide Deseille .

Monastery St Anthony the Great
I stayed one week trying to get as many interviews as possible with Gerondi course. They were few, of course, the abbot with a busy schedule, but they were attentive to my quest, caring, insightful, informative and encouraging.
was Lent (again!) And I attended to all offices. Initially disoriented, I looked up and imitated, as everyone does. My nights were short, between offices, prayers and books and magazines which I tried to read as much as possible, there was little for sleep. A text dazzled me completely: "hymn" Father Basil (Βασίλειος Γοντικάκης) Abbot, at the time still, and the monastery now Stavronikita Iviron that of (the All-Holy Portaitissa guard! ). All I was looking for was there in splendid, wonderful and penetrating, that yes! Christianity which was sucked my whole being!

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