Then we can see each period and each experiment seen as a milestone in a journey guided by grace and learning step by step, acquired after acquired
... Someone asked me, get me out there, a "seminar" with a weekend says of "mental activation", I finally agreed to try ... and it was actually beneficial. I have experienced some sort of group "Renaissance" tour that was meant softer than what was practiced then known as "rebirthing" we were invited to relive emotionally painful stages of his life back as far as possible. Some claimed to have reached up to birth. I'm not gone that far ... but I learned to radically reverse the way I see the world and life, I learned to cultivate positive thoughts, to relax deeply, I said Yes to life.
importantly, I realized the power, amazing as frightening (depending on its positive or negative charge) of desire, through space and time, which will be an experience that will not make me doubt in the least world, later, the reality of the power of prayer, while it promote awareness of the fundamental responsibility of each individual in his own life, his thoughts, words, actions, for good or evil course of life of the world.
In the years of rebellion in my early youth I had two bedside books "Anarchism by Daniel Guerin and" The First and Last Freedom "by Krishnamurti. I suspect already that the outside was not without the intimate and the concern for liberty and justice for all groups was also passing through the interior of each revolution, but then I had not really started working. In any If I stopped smoking and I got back home if I have metamorphosed been emulated around me, both in my family that my friends and acquaintances. Big success!
few years later I read in a magazine that association in which I had the chance to relive and learn to see life differently had been placed in the infamous list of sects. This is absolutely ridiculous and even revolting, because at no time during my own experience, I have been subjected to any manipulation to alienate my freedom, or to ruin me in any or how about joining the force in a gang ... I am afraid that proselytes all those who, in their pious declarations, watch carefully to our freedom, become inquisitors sometimes a worse case than they claim we protect.
I had been introduced to letting go is another name for abandonment, the concentration even though the faith, that faith was a little vague ... and I reconsider my personal life, marital, family and working in a different world view, in the sense of love of life that is probably inseparable from a love life.
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