Dear reader who has had the patience to read me so far, then I dare say that,
Dear brother, this is what happened. :
During winter holidays, friends invited me to join them in a mountain resort where they had a cottage there to ski and enjoy the pleasures of friendship after skiing, but oddly I had not wanted and I declined the offer had yet been profitable for many a Parisian to oxygenate a bit. No, I do not know what took me, I decided to go listen to the live object of my discovery said Gregorian chant to know him better and perhaps with the project of studying the practice for myself then seen the benefits that I found on my person at the center of Professor Tomatis.
I decided then to the place that had been designated as a specialist in this song, that is to say, the Benedictine monastery of Solesmes. So I took contact with the Reverend Father Hotelier of the monastery who informed me that I could come in the days that followed. So ... I went with my Zafu (meditation cushion which I do not separate more than my practice wherever I go) and my books on Zen. I told also input the color at the right father was a Zen Buddhist and I came to this place for musicological reasons, having experienced the physical benefits of Gregorian chant. After suppressing a grimace, he assured me that all sorts of people came to stay at the monastery, it was not reserved the Catholics and I was therefore very welcome. We spoke a bit of Africa where I worked for a time and where he had helped to establish a monastery in Senegal where it was "acclimated" to the Gregorian accompaniment with Kora (African harp) Keur Moussa I seem to remember.
It put me in a cell, not heated so if I remember correctly. I carefully selected the appropriate place to ask my Zafu and it was not a problem of rule which had been made to attend services because I was there to listen up. I lived at the rate of monks and learn about organizing their lives in accordance me but respecting the other rule set for compliance with the fence. The morning I got up and I was doing Zazen and evening before bed. But it did not last long ...
Two days! Perhaps one day and a half only!
During winter holidays, friends invited me to join them in a mountain resort where they had a cottage there to ski and enjoy the pleasures of friendship after skiing, but oddly I had not wanted and I declined the offer had yet been profitable for many a Parisian to oxygenate a bit. No, I do not know what took me, I decided to go listen to the live object of my discovery said Gregorian chant to know him better and perhaps with the project of studying the practice for myself then seen the benefits that I found on my person at the center of Professor Tomatis.
I decided then to the place that had been designated as a specialist in this song, that is to say, the Benedictine monastery of Solesmes. So I took contact with the Reverend Father Hotelier of the monastery who informed me that I could come in the days that followed. So ... I went with my Zafu (meditation cushion which I do not separate more than my practice wherever I go) and my books on Zen. I told also input the color at the right father was a Zen Buddhist and I came to this place for musicological reasons, having experienced the physical benefits of Gregorian chant. After suppressing a grimace, he assured me that all sorts of people came to stay at the monastery, it was not reserved the Catholics and I was therefore very welcome. We spoke a bit of Africa where I worked for a time and where he had helped to establish a monastery in Senegal where it was "acclimated" to the Gregorian accompaniment with Kora (African harp) Keur Moussa I seem to remember.
It put me in a cell, not heated so if I remember correctly. I carefully selected the appropriate place to ask my Zafu and it was not a problem of rule which had been made to attend services because I was there to listen up. I lived at the rate of monks and learn about organizing their lives in accordance me but respecting the other rule set for compliance with the fence. The morning I got up and I was doing Zazen and evening before bed. But it did not last long ...
Two days! Perhaps one day and a half only!

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