Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ct4780 Driver For Windows 7

IX: 2. Buddha: Zazen precursor Blessed Quietness

Благое Молчание

What follows is not a pretentious and vain spiritual lesson, it should rather be read as a personal dialogue with my past, useful to strengthen my faith without denying any what the Lord has been my best throughout my path when I was hungry and thirsty. And the Lord takes care of her treasured children (Kyrie eleison!) Knows better than anyone that does not feed a child or sick with the same food that is given to an adult in good health.

This taught me that Zen: Zazen

taught me a way to spare and condensed both the spiritual life and life itself is a readjustment and not necessarily a permanent rectilinear progression. Show deification as a rectilinear progression, marked by an irresistible ascent merits is to risk the temptation of pride and discouragement, heads or tails of this same piece of counterfeit money:

"Lord and Master of my life, Do not forsake me in mind of discouragement "

Because to follow this spiritual illusion, is to risk falling rungs of the ladder of St John. "There is no man who lives and does not sin." When you get used to "fall and rise" as Sainte Therese, every moment is a small resurrection, and we do not fall down permanently the arms of black demons through sloth, pride necessarily proportional to the received spiritual disappointed. Instead the humble little drop of water finally dig the stone. It's a metaphor I like Zen. That training courageous, vigilant and persevering in the good fight against the laxity and negligence:

"Lord and Master of my life, Do not forsake me in mind of negligence" is

as the immobility that allows at least one time not clearly err in shares or in other words to train not to act spontaneously in our fallen nature, but in agreement with our true nature, our Buddha nature which is not very different from our nature made in the "image and likeness."
When you sit down to do nothing else, we are called to let go, to cease to maintain in us the desire to capture everything, control everything. We abandon the illusion that, through action and commitment, we can always control everything in our lives. This abandonment of self-will is a basic condition of our reception of grace.

"Lord and Master of my life, leave me not to the spirit of domination "

Later I understand that the cross in this sense become a Christian
my posture is the activation and verification of fidelity, the meaning of faith.

And it Zazen posture, mouth closed, silent, allowing the less time they say it is not sin in word:

"Lord and Master of my life, Don ' not abandon the spirit of empty words. "

But this has been much more than this abstinence from sin through words. This learning
the prolonged silence has not been for me the worst way to approach the Lord that we represent on this icon so dear to me the Спас Благое Молчание: angel with hands folded on his chest, not behind the head with not the halo circular containing the cross as usual, but the star with 8 branches formed two squares, one light of the Godhead triumphant and the other dark, apophatic, the same deity, the incomprehensible darkness offered to the pride of the human spirit forfeited. This icon of Our Lord so special to me is the silent invitation to silence to which we are invited by all means sacred of our offices, our songs, our liturgies, our icons, to enter the resemblance. The concept will be familiar hesychia me when I meet her later.
But it is also the icon of the silent expectation of the infinite goodness of the Word of God before his manifestation to men through his Incarnation itself, and for me personally, patience, careful and quiet of my Lord when my door would finally open to the grace of conversion in my life as a sinner. History hello from one man Is not it the renewal of the history of Hi to everyone? And saw the body of Christ.


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