The practice was - and is, for those who are in the school - quite simple: it's all according to the ense

is recited texts and mantras clasped hands with a rosary in his hands but not that n'égrène. The mantra is not one in the direction of Tantric Buddhism since it does not receive an esoteric initiation by a master (otherwise it has little effect under the doctrine Tantric) for practice and a Indeed the style is not expected as in the Tibetan Vajrayana type for example. Besides Nichiren although it emerged from the Tien Tai school, esoteric school, denied any Tantra and then spent his life to vanquish all other Buddhist schools to defend that which its proponents see as the only "orthodox". Similarly the practice of the mandala has been kept in his school in the form of a complex similar to calligraphy figurative mandala of Shingon (esoteric school Japanese equivalent of Tibetan Tantrism) for example but abstracted by the sole writing.

The Mandala of Nichiren
(It's weird these three crosses at the top, right? "But no! It's sanskrito-Sino-Japanese!)
can take quite content knowledge of doctrine and practice to address this : for what is the context in which I practiced. If one wants to hear the amazing virtuosity of Tina Turner (devout practitioner of this school) this practice can watch this video of You Tube. This other address teaches the doctrine of Nichiren but wants independent, because it must be said that Nichiren Shoshu was articulated in an organization "cultural" called Soka Gakaï Japanese company with many international ramifications for the least controversial ... I myself am
enthusiastic and devoted my whole being and it was for me an important discovery while experiencing the power of rhythm and sound vibrations from the recitation of prayers out loud, mind and body unified . I remembered from my childhood that catholicize things soft and pretty and there psychologizing incomparable energy circulating in yourself and your relationship with others so fascinating, giving another dimension to the " prayer. " I read the works of President Daisaku Ikeda of Soka Gakaï who introduced me to a Buddhist world view and I found it very interesting.

This experience remained vivid and compelling enough in me (a kind of verification by the body of the authenticity of a practice) so that I can not stand little more than recite the psalms and other liturgical texts that according to Orthodox tradition, I mean not like they are recited in the Catholic Church or Protestant modern with this permanent intention to convey meaning by interpreting (in all sense of the word) the text under the pretext of "think" the text. Reciting Orthodox neutral rhythm, volume sustained without drama or theatrical incongruous allows, as one who recites his listener, to be fully available to him which is intended only to him personally by the Holy Spirit, to be receptive to the verses that can not touch him and he can hear without the distorting filter through a well-intentioned. It is this practice that opened me there.
However, as I became addicted without restriction on practice, as I fled when I dealt with the structure, organization, and when surprised they can not freely go to the temple that I could not even approach or practice with which I wanted, when I had the opportunity without the consent of the senior members of the organization, I began to have doubts, I did some research and have read various articles in an amount sufficient to make me think that this school if sectarian elsewhere with his claim to the only orthodoxy, could also be about his coaching. It also occurred to me that they deceived him people in social difficulty in believing that their advancement in the hierarchy of what looked more like a cult, in the worst sense of the term, showed the benefits of the practice, and confirmed a breakdown of their bad karma of origin, so their progress in the Way. It was enough that I am suggesting here and there that all had some acquaintance with political rather far from the ideal of detachment in Buddhism that I leave all that good. I've never been to a sect or for closed clubs elsewhere.
Then I bought a book who showed me that there were no fewer than twelve "sects" or schools of Buddhism in Japan alone (Kusha, Jojitsu, Ritsu, Hosso, Sanron, Kegon, Tendai, Shingon, Zen, Nichiren, Jodo Shin) and I continued on my way ...

"Nichiren saving his disciples from the storm" ...
(Do not you remember anything? Weird, weird ...)
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