short, I had not yet found in all this, just my account, so I took out my zafu and I went to those who had recognized the benefits of Zazen while remaining Christians , and especially Catholics. I contacted a Benedictine in the city, Father Benoit Billot, who had made numerous trips to Japan in Zen monasteries, who practiced Zazen so while remaining a Catholic monk who greeted me with great sympathy well I like Gregorian astonished. As for me I was surprised that did not love Benedictine Gregorian point but I thought one time have found what suited me. I attended liturgies prepared by a time of Zazen and where we communed then in the form of rolls raised (as I understand then be inspired prosphora the Orthodox). I attended interesting lectures on the Rhineland mystics men and women, and the apophatic theology of the Church of the East and even the heart Prayer. And I stayed attentive and open until I attend a session of zazen that I looked forward to "sauce" is Catholic and I could not do more. It was too far from what I knew: we were all in a circle facing each other, in a laudable project of fraternity no doubt, but I was used to be facing a blank wall, facing me and then there was the whole ritual Zen immutable so beautiful and that was so necessary when I practiced, and I could not find my way in this adaptation, it all seemed weak and distorted ... and then there was a little too much ladies for my taste and I was wondering after a while if I had my place here among these devotees (the Father Billot ...) between two slices of Antwerp and Hadwiger Beguines especially since I had looked for some on the Rhine male mystique. I did not stay longer ...
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