Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Get Confiscated Id Back From The Police


In these holiday periods , orgies decorative as seen across the city, shop windows and dishes are often at odds with the mess inside that can be known. We're kind of street trees ... and we bring our "balls", anger and boredom, conspicuous, flashing all the alerts psychosomatic imaginable! And we are also chained, prisoners with a thousand heavy invisible chains that hold our actions, our circumstances, our thoughts, tastes, to our dreams! This profound malaise and this sneaky enslavement we crystallize in the same neurosis.

In fact, our whole society is a slow drift towards a form of high-tech slavery, mixed backward beliefs and influence of new gods cruel and fixed, no longer the gods of stone but of flesh to the gods of the guns of fashion.

HS Tuke
one hand, the multiple buffers and records that we receive from our birth we envelop and we put on rails that we choose more. Number of safety, bank references, identifications of taxes, insurance, and any form of registration, our life becomes an endless list of numbers, much like the figure Py! However, the one who stuck with us and we hang out all life is the number "worse" ... worse as the taxes keep going up like ivy furious worse as charges that bubble and flow of regulations miles alienating worse as wages in funny money, worst inflations disguised as make coffee, cake, or any vegetable as simple equivalent of a rare jewel!

It remains for us to wear the eggplant Bulgari necklace in a way, the string of mini buns in trendy belt, like John Galliano and coffee to moisten the back of the ears as if it were a rare and precious concentrate! After Dior, Chanel and Guerlain's the "Garden of pretzels," the "sub-humans" and "The Numeo 5 has not yet won the lottery!

On the other hand, all that exists and build our lives, far from our happiness, our part in isolation and fractionation fool of our lives! First the excess in the use of mobile phones and their gadgets that make them use drugs communication that have yet nothing to say or nothing to offer, the second drift net and fake networks connections that make our present and our future a virtual pond stinking populated corny to Hieronymus Bosch!

The paradox is that all communication tools quickly and easily become tools of destruction communication ... Far from allowing men and women to connect and deepen ties real they release fantasies and ulterior motives that take the place of logic and any form of constructive thought. The face of the user through the net today is that of Saturn painted by Goya: it eats its own children. He's crazy!

What surprises me most is drifting around the words and their meaning, language becomes the language of wood, but worse in the same sentence we are witnessing a form of insidious deconstruction: misinterpretations, inconsistencies and anything that can appear illogical abound! It expresses everything and its opposite, the more breaks into the real of our desires, such as fog and fantasized dreams cloned by diktat crop the image, no longer allows to design a clear and simple speech. The "I", "I do not want" to have such a thirst, or fear, or any statement and its opposite, pour a speech rambling! Our sentences are fragmented into as many words opposite and contradictory meanings, it is very obvious on chat sites and dating profiles and encountered new social networks that flourish in recent years.

Fragmentation is therefore in everyone's speech as it is already reflected in the company more or less exploded as we know it today with its traditional oppositions and contrasts recent example ;: rich / poor, young / old, believers / non-believers, cultivated / uncultivated, sports / non sports metrosexuals / no metrosexuals, connected / not connected, and subgroups that they generate in their turn.

Sometimes an innocent look and clear with a simple word can trigger a healthy awareness ... "The king is naked" told the tale and that was enough to remove the veil of hypocrisy, stupidity and all its rituals! So drop your chains are doing, look for lost time running after myths maintain your own illusions, will see everything you have rejected, shoved or even "killed" (psychologically speaking) and take plenty of time to measure what you have become.

Some essential books, some movies, some painters bring this awareness, but they are as rare as precious because they upset our assumptions, our habits and loose mental reflexes turned to laziness or denial.

I tried everything throughout the year to talk about these key works, and today I thank the authors for allowing us to think in 2010 "at the bottom of things!

To mention only the main books, I welcome: Castetbon ( Convicts ), Reynaert ( Our ancestors the Gauls and other nonsense ), Negrier ( Against Homophobia, homosexuality in the Bible ), Ehrman ( construction Jesus), Tahar Ben Jelloun ( Jean Genet liar sublime )

or major exhibitions: Turner, Klee, Freud ;

or best movies ;: "The trees and forests", "Strella "

and also sections of friend-es: John and Sonja !

And if you're interested, you can also return to other articles I have written on various subjects.

list of articles: the Blog

that 2011 can help us develop this journey of friendship and discovery!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hideo Wakamatsu Suitcase Reset Lock

wish you a Happy New Year with Owni Music! And if Wikileaks

2010 it's No Future, is not it Sid?
C Her visitor here by the magic of the Web, Christmas is also on my radar screen! This time no one scholarly article, rant or prophecy hallucinated on journalism and the digital revolution for the latter post in 2010, the 45th Phew ... thank you for your interest, your loyalty, your indulgence for bloguistiques my ramblings, I offer this little Best Sound Of Preppy concocted by my friends from on Owni Music . Laziness temporary keyboard (I'm still on vacation;). The pretext that my radar screen is a music blog in his spare time (see this post on Patti Smith or this one on David Bowie ). But also because I want to make you discover these 14 artists (mostly French) unearthed and distributed by friends of the Saucer: CTRL, Birdy Hunt, Choklate, Cleo, Senbei, Puss in Boots .. . and so on of the best. Electro crazy, futuristic Punk, rap and groove syntéthique honey ... that music to your ears, the soundtrack of our generation digital!
So ENJOY THE SOUND (if you like sharing and diffuse) and of course
... HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Royce Chocolate Usa Potato

poet Jean Genet sublime!

Genet by Giacometti
2010 is the centenary of the birth of Jean Genet (1910-1986). One of the finest tributes that have been made to him, we owe it to Tahar Ben Jelloun with his book "Jean Genet sublime liar", who paints a portrait of this mysterious author through a small quarantine chapters.

Tahar Ben Jelloun has known Jean Genet in the last ten years of his life. Here we are far from the mythical image of the writer Jean Genet sulfur and unrepentant thug, young, rebellious, out of prison, writing sensual and precise, but as almost mystical, incantatory and elegiac, as in the long poem "sentenced to death."

The portrait by Tahar Ben Jelloun brush touches is a man who spent the last years of his life defending the cause of Palestine and all those who had to time almost no one else supports.

If the life of Jean Genet is still poorly known, the last ten years of his life are still more: that is known today that he discovered in 1982 camps Sabra and Shatila few days after the atrocities, the bodies still in place, he tried to fight in defense of immigrants and to defend men and women rejected by all and put on the bench because of the company called terrorists?

However, the latter position, like the one he took in 1971 for the cause of black people by announcing that, for their defense, it could kill the whites, some startling, and it seems that the words had passed his thinking at a time and that the kick given to the institutions in place and passivity room was too harsh and too violent exasperation, at least in words. Tahar Ben Jelloun about excessive words spoke of "subversive lucidity," the term seems very nice for an author whose writings also burn with an intensity of solar ...

passion for writing, or at least the need to write seems to have shifted during those years and we see to paint the portrait of a man alone, living from day to day in a great count, without attachment or goods from one hotel to another, elusive, once France, another in Morocco or elsewhere, eating soft foods as having almost no teeth, clinging to a few male figures even more interested and interesting, attacked by a throat cancer, forgotten and abandoned the world of letters!

It should be noted that he did nothing to work on his "image" as a writer, Genet is beyond it, more in impulsiveness, brilliance and singing love! But he still had something he had to sing, because his great love Abdullah committed suicide in 1964, leaving only after nine years of shared life, alone and somewhat dry in its inspiration.

Genet Giacometti
Tahar Ben Jelloun insists repeatedly on this side disconcerting Genet, quoting: " never speak again of my books I wrote out of prison, not to save the company, I saved my skin by applying myself as a good school, that's all. "and further by speaking of him " He was not interested writers. Anyway, when I met him he hated talking about literature, poetry, or even language . "and also" He would not be a writer at the bedside of his work, the defendant, have to promote it. He refused to don the costume of the author released from prison by Sartre and Cocteau, to play the martyr, the homosexual, the thief and rebel . "

It will not be surprised to learn that he attended and spoke only very rarely those who had done so much to release him from prison and avoid going in the concentration camps Nazis in December 1943. Similarly, Genet never mentioned either in the late sixties, as in the seventies and early 80s of the gay movement! Genet, who must be without doubt the most beautiful pages of love between men, has totally turned away from any involvement at this level: "... he accepted never be mixed with the movements or gay rights associations in France and elsewhere. It was not his fight. Only the occupied Palestine, to the point that nothing else existed . "

Tomb J Genet Morocco
Jean Genet is never where one might expect, the eternal rebel, somewhat vengeful and fun to make fun of France Giscard d'Estaing of France or the eldest daughter of the Church, that without doubt the hypocrisy and the one that put him in prison, marking forever, and who had killed so many beautiful boys around him like Maurice Pilorge to whom he dedicated his poem sentenced to death.

Did he just use the people? Was it capable of recognition and friendship? It would be tempting to say yes and no, so its image defies definition, Tahar Ben Jelloun, quoting, is already a beginning of explanation to the "Genet," with filigree taste of betrayal bonus " friendship, brotherhood, solidarity ... these are words, is a joke, it means nothing, only love has meaning, the rest is that generality and blabla. "
Maurice Pilorge sentenced to death and who dedicated his poem Genet

Finally add that, if it is so free that man wanted to be buried outside France he disliked, Morocco, in a corner of land of a cemetery English facing the sea, and he kept in his heart throughout his life a concept outside the norm, as rooted and seems to come straight from the classical Greek culture, namely: " Only what is true is beautiful, and if something is beautiful because it is true .

Cocteau drawing excerpt from White Paper


If you live in Nice or 06 you will find at the bookstore Massena in Nice at the beginning of the street Gioffredo , a booth devoted to books and all of Genet advice from a real publisher. S ite : library Massena Nice

Genet On: Wikipedia article

On Tahar Ben Jelloun: site writer Tahar Ben Jelloun

Helen Martin sings sentenced to death video on Youtube

Etienne Daho sings sentenced to death video on Youtube

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Muscle Building Reebok Resistance Bands

The effect of trap!

B Biedul

Have you ever had that feeling of living in cramped?

live cramped in your life?

Living close to your apartment?

Living close to your present and perhaps your future?

Living close professionally or prospects (or not prospects) professional?

live cramped in what any quest is philosophical, religious, loving etc.. ?

Just chat with Friends and with any random person meetings to understand that this feeling is shared by a majority of us, LGBT or straight ! In this mutli-media company with multiple "ectoplasm", to use an image of Captain Haddock, the mass effect that we experience every second is doubled by the effect of a trap, because what could be more stressful and frightening as always feel more and more limited in its freedom and increasingly stifled at every step that we did!

B Biedul

All we can hope to meet and it's pitfalls of swindlers who seek our wallet! Note that the money remains today the only passport that can afford a bit of space and oxygen! In a world where everything has a price, where money is king, tickets have become powerful ivy surrounds the ideals, nations, men and women, societies, cultures, and different springs of our mental constructs . Nothing really new to me will answer you, yes it is somewhat true, but the conscience and values having abdicated, the landscape of ivy is the only one before us today to deploy its uniformity and agonizing lonely distress that accompanies it: a world shrinking in some way ...

Sexuality has always seemed "revolutionary", the libertines, moreover n have they not, from the seventeenth century, began the great hullabaloo of our society by preparing another deal between individuals and social classes? The Revolution of 1789 was also a revolution of manners and this has been true every time the company has experienced violent upheavals, and until May 68. However, the "liberation" are also experiencing outages and downtime, as history knows hollow waves ... Today, even sex is sad, weighed down by digital networks in a cul de sac, stereotyped images that rotate in a loop, boys and Girls who are no longer able to live and play in real life as prisoners of inaccessible fantasies, behaviors increasingly antisocial, not to mention alcohol and drugs that confuse any insight. The "virtual window" is the size of our computer screens: close ...

Paradoxically, the "liberation" can also cause regressions by wanting to be free can be locked into another straitjacket, that of the image, youth, sports and other models to name but a few tracks and move on next to a real development and true freedom. The approach really authentic, from the heart and his own dreams, is then offset by the insidious manipulation of all schemes imposed by "cultures" of the moment, which enclose, exclude and alienate ... Thus, although we often hear that sexuality is today "Without taboo", it is not without bias ...

The love life is thus trapped in the glue of his own fantasies that shed behavioral reflexes the vilest and most primitive selfishness, contempt, violence ! Farewell the veneer of education and knowledge to live, and live the narrowness of our contemporaries!

B Biedul

few weeks ago, I found by chance on the net works that can quite match the feeling of seclusion! All were made by an American artist named Brian BIEDUL , born in 1955 in Colorado Springs but who also lives in Europe and who is also in Paris. From information gathered, the painter has had several distinct periods in his career, including those hyper-realistic paintings of naked men who are trapped and confined in a framework that is the array itself. It also can remind some scenes mime, including that of the famous mime artist Marcel Marceau who found himself trapped in a transparent partition also imaginary.

man naked, so realistic, like the drawings of Leonardo and Michelangelo, it's just the prototype of all men, a sort of reference outside of time where everyone can meet. BIEDUL Brian is also passionate about architecture, clean lines and structures. He was already feeling through these paintings, as in other works listed on its website.


So this "character" prisoner of his "framework" or outside elements, which can be both physical and psychic and stress-the prisoner and "naked", because perhaps a prisoner of this world, as was another time we could feel a prisoner of original sin. These naked men are a bit modern in the Titans fall, struggling incessantly against choking that seems to have no respite.


This sentiment is also apparent from other artists in other times, but differently, as with Using replication to infinity or the pile of miscellaneous objects or the mapping of characters interchangeable in a world often close to the comic, so in a clearly defined framework. To my mind works by Arman, Warhol and Haring, to name but three, provide the same feeling choking or at least reduced world and destiny closed.


Thus the object or character, as it is, repeated, multiplied, dehumanized, made naked, strangled, gives the feeling in works of art today, as in the various currents of modern twentieth s, serving the same observation of a terrible world offering more and saving horizons collapsing on him.


Brian BIEDUL Site: Site painter