Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hate And Jealousy Quotes

but not out in my second digital life!

A ave you ever thought about what will happen to your mails, tweets, Facebook page or your blog once spent passing? The ghost will haunt your digital double there in cyberspace forever blow posts automatic and "it's your birthday" on the "Social Network"? Your Twitter account he will continue to live powered by of posts in 140 characters or robotic Will it usurped by a relative or a stranger maintaining the illusion for your 4000 followers? Without thinking, you plant every day, every hour, sometimes every minute traces of your existence and your thoughts on the tens of thousands of servers that are the heartbeat of the network. and you will insure a digital posterity, a form of immortality unprecedented in the history of mankind. Tomorrow, from this digital DNA, your descendants may be able to recreate your personality as an avatar "3D" with an artificial intelligence with which they can keep: "Say Grandfather was how expensive the early twenty-first century and who was this woman that you so loved?" ... Even more crazy, have you ever dreamed (or nightmared) to return to life by the grace of a manipulation of your DNA biological this time, cloned by a mad scientist who give birth to a Flesh Golem a second for yourself? And if by chance it was feasible to "save" your consciousness, this pure spirit that believers call the soul, for downloading to a hard drive and raise the dead like Lazarus as a man Machine called Cyborg?

L e subject is disturbing, disturbing. Yet he will have to lean on, when a business begins to emerge around the management of your digital life, archiving your digital life, including the project Total Recall hatched by a Doctor Mabuse Microsoft. Your digital life for eternity, immortality digital transcendence of humanity and its "increase" by the machine ... Precisely it was mentioned during the evening # jesuismort , held Tuesday at The Canteen by our friends at The Media Workshop RFI, and Silicon Maniacs Owni (find the video at the end of this post). A special discussion evening, with guests strange (including a president of the Association of Transhumanist French, a member of the Singularity University ...) where one has caused much Transhumanism and immortality , this cultural movement that advocates the use of science and technology to improve physical and mental characteristics of human beings.
A sweet stuff crazy ? Not so sure when Eric Schmidt of Google it is and says "What we're trying to do is build a increased humanity, we build machines to help people make better things they can not do much ".. .
After the evening Jesuismort #, so we decided to write this post for four hands with my fellow blogger and journalist Capucine Cousin and welcome on our respective blogs (great co-branded ticket;). Then follow the guide, then continue our journey into the limbo of post-humanity digital ...

N bones digital traces already sketch the beginnings of our digital posterity. You may already fallen, according to your wanderings on Facebook, on the pages of deceased persons. Capucine has already landed by chance on the Facebook page of a friend's brother, who disappeared at sea Its wall was remained open, free, friends and his family continued to leave messages of tribute post-mortem. I experienced the same following the sudden death of an old journalist friend ... and when the daughter of another friend was swept away by the disease so young. His family, his friends, his school friends he continued to talk to him for months now as an angel behind the screen, it almost erecting a mausoleum gay pictures, small words, flowers and drawings ... . Need disturbing, moving, heartbreaking to keep the memory as old as humanity: Is Facebook becoming the first global virtual graveyard?
The question is asked. Exactly, # Jesuismort Tuesday night, Tristan Mendes France, a time parliamentary assistant, now blogger, filmmaker and lecturer at Celsa, we spoke at length about this - these funeral rites that begin to develop in virtual worlds. The first time it happened, they say, was in the network game "World of Warcraft" in 2005 following the death of a gamer, a true vigil was held in the world Warcraft tribute to him ...
For Tristan, of course, Facebook also becomes a place of burial and worship postmortem with 5 million dead about 600 million live: profiles of people who died, left open, willingly or not, families ... And indeed, it's a little scary, but nothing has been provided by Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social networks to delete the profile of a deceased person! Same for blogging platforms, search engines ...
legal level, it's a jungle. To the point that some companies probably already imagine solutions commodification postmortem . Imagine Soon, if not physically immortal, you can probably buy a digital immortality, keeping an online presence, as a concession or virtual eternal reduced to 20, 30 or 50 years ...
Meanwhile, futurists, transhumanism gurus such Kuzweil Raymond, Aubrey de Grey , and other sweet crazy swear on: death is a phenomenon that can be cured. Some predict immortality in 15 or 20 years with the sequencing of the human genome, among other technological developments. Instead, read the Manifesto Extropians , a new religion conceptualized by the good Dr. Max More :
"We challenge the inevitability of aging of death, we seek to improve gradually our intellectual and physical capabilities, and develop ourselves emotionally. We see humanity as a transitional phase in the evolutionary development of intelligence. We advocate the use of science to accelerate our transition from a human condition to a condition transhuman or posthuman. As stated by the physicist Freeman Dyson, 'my humanity seems like a wonderful beginning, but not the last word " (Introduction to Principles extropians" 3.0).
A frenzy of perfect human flirting dangerously with eugenics and the new man who has thoroughly National Socialist inspired science fiction before and after the war, the "Big Brother" in Orwell's "Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. And we saw recycled in several films, including "Gattaca" where young people with the genetic heritage were programmed perfect base for the conquest of space ... For the record, look rather this small sample:


C ' is there, as strange march flown concepts during the # Jesuismort evening. We briefly talked about cryonics (you know, this theory - it is very popular a decade - is to be frozen to revive in the near future;) already has been. He was also a question of "uploading of mind" or how to transfer the contents of a brain on your hard drive, having previously scanned. A computer could then reconstruct the mind by simulating its operation, unless you can distinguish a biological brain "real" of a simulated brain ... Totally naive and delusional neurologists will tell you all saw that Terra Incognita is our cortex for science. But the concept appears in "Matrix" and its aftermath, but also in "The Possibility of an Island" by Michel Houellebecq , where the "mind uploading" is mentioned as a component of the art to live young, several successive lives with a body and a spirit identical. finally overcome the obsolescence of humanity ...
Proponents of transhumanism will firmly believe: in full debate on reforming the law on bioethics (the text is being debated in Parliament at this time), they swear by the proposals "technoprogressistes. As such, "allow free choice of management for others, particularly in the case of surrogate mothers , explained Tuesday night Marc Roux, president of strange French Transhumanist Association . For him, it's simple " the legislature is far behind on these topics . These delusions

scientists around transhumanism is already realized. You want to know if by chance you do not have some predisposition to cancer or Alzheimer's disease? If your child's future potential has an IQ of 150 and blue eyes? A host of start-ups abound on the Net, and you already offer to analyze your DNA, such 23andMe (oh so want, founded by the wife of Sergey Brin, one of the founders of Google ... we shall return ), to explore your genetic heritage, or more prosaically to do a paternity test. Leaves kept in their databases such precious data very intimate about yourself ... the risk of reselling in a few years.
" I saw so many things that you humans can not believe it. Attack ships on fire rising from the shoulder of Orion. I have seen fabulous rays, rays C, shine in the shadow of the door Tannahauser. All those moments will be lost in oblivion like tears in rain .. . " , declaimed Roy replicating the" Blade Runner " in the final scene of the film by Ridley Scott.
C s we poor mortals He was afraid to bow out without a trace of his earthly existence. He was wrong. Tomorrow, nothing will be lost completely forgotten. The memory of the network is eternal. Tomorrow, much of what we've been endure for centuries and centuries in one form or another intangible
To conclude, let the word Roy, leave him the last word:

Capucine Cousin and Jean-Christophe FĂ©raud

And as a bonus, for details, as promised here is where the player you will find all the exchanges of the evening # Jesuismort held on December 9 by The Media Workshop RFI, and Silicon Maniacs Owni:


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