Thursday, February 17, 2011

Denise Milani Memesi Acik

Internet or the possibility of an island

" I am a candidate to write to you a note on the possibility of a rebirth of freedom by the grace of the internet "... That's essentially the message I received Theo alias @ oleiade on Twitter, less 2 minutes after launching an appeal to the people connected. On 8 February, I was tired of the keyboard and I was invited to host a candidate, history, St. Flemme pray for my poor blogger, a breather. Open his personal digital raft of other contributors, it also spread the ideas. A vital fluid for not turning in a loop and drool. Especially when the passenger within 25 years. After Morgane Tual and "Young journalists" , so it's the turn of Theo Crevon, student, geek and avid photographer of his condition. There is no chance ... Morgan and Theo have partnered to create Diasporama a wonderful site slideshow sound mixing sounds and photographs "that complement and sublime." With the possibility of a start-up;) they hope to put their talents to online media. I will come back. I love them and craft a much-needed new ideas and new blood of young journalists and homing of the digital age. In the meantime we then embark to this Insula Utopia on the foam of the present digital ...
"Utopia" by Thomas Moore (editio 1516)
I nternet is the possibility of an island. A neutral space frozen without representation, without regulation, without borders. The commonplace of all freedoms and the volatile benchmark where, as we knew Wikileaks will demonstrate, nothing could be hidden. There is the possibility of the middle of an escape system . A Temporary Autonomous Zone , ephemeral and permanent safe-conduct pass where uncensored discussion of 4Chan sulfur, or live the egos and ideals without the need to codify them, or build projects and utopias in the single force the desire and enthusiasm.
So obviously Internet is a target. All security policies, whether of left and right, North and South, will tell you. This digital wasteland or coexist all ideas, all the aspirations and all inclinations is a danger to the security of states and peoples we are told. For circulate freely information beyond any control. Any idiot fifteen years a little smart hacker can say, join a terrorist group calling itself Digital "Anonymous" and claim to defend freedom of expression. You can imagine the mess? C ike this proves to be dangerous to world order, and therefore unacceptable, anywhere Internet must be restrained, limited and carefully observed. all suspicious packets will be traced, analyzed for your safety. In China, workers are paid to engage in censorship of "sensitive" in France, the law authorizes the authority to inject data spies on the network. Like what happens in "real world", the system would gain control of this new paperless world where freedom of expression is not a vain word, to choose what it hears This exchange and it appears that being said.
Because it is a space of freedom or do not sit laws or moral codes, or decisional meeting, then this island is a numerical target. The network's success earned him incurring the wrath of the world around which, although governed by the order, systems, and diplomacy, can not himself find peace ideas. Ultimately, the Internet suffers from what we always want to compare to revenue and mechanisms that have been the past history of mankind. The ubiquity and permanence libertarian permitted by the miracle of the Web violates all the rules previously established and offers the choice of everyone to build his world.
Mapping the Internet in 2010
I nternet is unfathomable. We do not see the end, as the iceberg devoted just the tip. A uniform space composed of several leading service, and a host of personalities grafted on, or within, thereof. Google, Facebook, Twitter, MSN, Ebay, like Michael Jackson or John Wayne, are brands that have established itself in the minds of two billion people connected to the web every day in 2010.
Uncontrollable in essence, is a media ubique between humans, where everyone can freely replicate, to volatilize and reappear. It allows multiple forms and media for the same messages. Leaving together in this fiction written by fans of Justin Bieber for the glory of their idol, with all courses taught in ancient Greece the famous American University of Princeton through the formula for making napalm. You can find anything on the internet without any moral distinctions, no ranking of importance, and in all languages. It is
the possibility of genuine freedom , succeeding where all other models have failed: the self-regulation. Because contrary to popular belief, while freedom on the web is not the absence of constraints, it is much more to the creation and perpetual reinvention of codes that govern it. Internet compartmentalizes spontaneously, leaving ample time for extreme 4Chan, social interactions, Facebook, and sharing knowledge to Wikipedia. Without tyranny of any kind, except that the common good - so finally described by famous trademark of Google: "Do not do evil" - It sorts, categorizes and stores information, personalities and collaborations in his own models, perpetual reinvention.
S ur Internet invented, even freedom. So necessarily, the temptation is strong to affix the laws, rules, the dictates of our beloved third dimension. But all objects naturally because that is more than Internet network: it is a new model of thought , a system that does not aspire to control, but rather OPENING universal exchange. The rules will appear and disappear without remorse, without need of an external action and explicit, not answering that need development and preservation of this "alternative society".
Finally, the Internet is the possibility of an island. From a libertarian delirium here and now. A bench of land lost in a sea of identities, differences and conflicts; who, like his alter-egos of the third dimension are threatened by human folly, greed and shortcuts. Internet is the proof that other ideas and other worlds are possible, if we give ourselves a chance to consider them as so many islands.
Theo Crevon


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