Friday, February 25, 2011

Express Defrost Sausage

Thoughtful thoughts!

Having often felt to write on the wind and set empty horizons on the net, and while I wondered about the utility of all social networks (apart from the The advantage of staying in constant contact with his "tribe", a mix of Friends and Family), the news these days brings an incredible response! Exposing the propaganda in place for ages, these social networks, and other inter-connections via mobile phones in particular, have enabled the oppressed peoples of the consciousness irreversible, as tidal waves or dams give way, start to reverse before our eyes the temples of the dictators and their regimes and brutal crazy.

The thirst for revolution against them is to balance the reluctance of others, moreover, the impression that some democracies accommodate themselves very well to a form of enslavement of neighboring peoples, because this bid may serve ... This however, should give pause to the citizens of these democracies on the relativity of their freedoms.

Whether people suffer from a complete lack of democracy, some countries retain only the relative welfare of a political stalemate about their borders, forgetting where they come from themselves and by what route they arrived where they are.

After reading some blogs, one finds that bloggers will run themselves at the feet of cement in a suicide webien! This is the blog cement, indigestible and heavy! Others communicate only through presentations very popular but almost dehumanized and speechless. It takes a cold consciousness in less than two. This is the blog of ice.

The joker has left its place in blogging, and one that the chat is not necessarily the one that haunts the chat , "in fact anywhere where nothing is traded apart from the worst banalities below the belt.

Many sites or blogs have no gay impartiality and serve a mercantilist propaganda of "everything is beautiful and everything is good to eat in gaytitude! It carefully avoids the angry, or different from the orthodoxy imposed. Criticism it is sorely lacking.

The cruising areas have always provided opportunities for "direct" contact: we like it or not, eaten or not, see you or not, the "meeting" is conducted smoothly without excessive mood and approach wild or almost instinctive. With the advent of social networks and networks of kisses to say things clearly, this "meeting" falls more in the immediate future is rather delayed, the time of the alleged reflection, the time the wind turns the vanes and especially the lost time. Do you like it by posting proxy, you have points in common with interposed profile, you seem to be attracted peaks interposed by meetings of any type and you keep your finger in the air on a keyboard that does not exactly music to which you might expect. Because it actually plays a lot with the nerves of others ... So we procrastinate, we deliver tomorrow or the day after, it confuses the issue, we do not know very well what the words mean. And if one forgets cybernauts exactly the meaning of words they use to seeing in him that slight movement of his emotional confusion in a late night, the other feels duped and manipulated throughout. The Internet offers so I do not know how many churches dedicated to the god whose ass frescoes and stained glass windows are made with the patchwork of all ads and all the pictures online! As in ancient churches deception original shine of a thousand candles of our desires and our eternal rising and litanies to the gods in their retail or frozen posture. Poppers like a censer finishes shuffling of reality, lies and dreams.

And if the "coffee" was a reflection of our society, both highly selfish and victim of the economic and moral crisis? Let me explain: it is very difficult indeed today to find somewhere good coffee and the best that we can find that on balance one that is consumed at home! Not surprising to see a better product at home that you can find in a professional! And for good reason, too often focusing on low-end (in relation to coffee as tea) it is rare to be met by these "beverages" as a consumer. The small black corner the bar becomes the little bitter! Coffee after a meal turns into acid bomb! The coffee-connected makes you want to come off and the coffee-gourmet-coffee becomes torment for weak stomach ... Prévert had evoked loneliness and despair of the hungry, speaking of the "coffee-crime-sprinkled blood , "and this finding sad folding and impassable wall between individuals:
" He drank the coffee
"And he rested the cup
"Without talking to me."
Several decades separate us from the poems but to many people today look closely, the morning coffee becomes the "little dark thoughts" : cheap, quick drink, with a rasping throat and a grin animal as to mitigate the bitterness or reject symbolically in a blast the day he announces.

For many politicians, the policy is to achieve to power, the power and wealth while emphasizing their caste. They have no other political agenda that needs to be maintained at any cost and benefit as much as possible. Needless to find any track innovative idea any economic or societal vision peculiar and original, everything is shot on their prerogatives and their stranglehold on society. Since they can not come out of a financial crisis or have a view relevant to their own country in the short or long term, they add mostly to their lack of business of the state total incompetence and moral trends and mores of the society they defend should however, stopping at their own worldview that they make it an untouchable dogma ... Why change and tortured on simple questions, moreover they consider stupid, ridiculous, displaced, against nature, even if all the countries around us have arisen since the long and argued for legislation for the welfare of million men and women? Thus, all these current issues, that modern society has the right to propose, namely: gay marriage, gay parenting, ease of adoption for a couple or single person (whether you are LGBT or not), surrogacy, child custody in divorce and the right of children to live with the parent of their choice, assisted suicide, euthanasia, sexual assistance for disabilities, embryo research etc. we do not find in any early response.

Photography said today on the body that approach because it combines, unconsciously or not, all the experiences of photographers and all previous memories and suggests that the painting distills. It ends by forming multiple layers subtle like old varnish.

For many people traveling is an unaffordable luxury, and we live in the mirage of a world accessible to the shadow of the wealthy ... In fact our only real departure, our "Embarkation for Cythera," then as now, one way is six feet underground.

The legend of Jesus is beautiful and touching, but unfortunately it is caricatured by a troupe of theater people papal years since 2000! Buffoons who drive the audience into the flour dogma, the cruelty of their trial and the exorbitant price they want to get their interpretation.

There are words that open the magical dimensions as "pharaoh", others the opposite cower like frightened sensory, as "office".

To those whose bedside book "How to make friends," I advise the reading of Volume 2 "How to keep ;!

In relations called "friendly", a clash has often two different angles: one side is perceived suddenly a trompe l'oeil unnoticed and has been discarded the illusion of friendship, the other one loses a true friend.

In the gay world there is no flip side flip but ass!

A new slogan for the email addicts: there Emailer that fits me!

The human body is a marvel of mechanical respiration, swallowing, the exact opening of the jaws and the science of language to coordinate all alone in oral sex!


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