image d'Epinal we have in mind since we were children when the West is to consider our country, those of European or American North, as paragons of democracy! Everything seems possible in our face a troubled South American dictatorships, an Africa infiltrated by mid wrens comic bloody mid maneuvering by nepotism, an East silted in communist oligarchies or companies wretched caste or robotic ...
But looking closely at our democratic societies are often baroque trompe l'oeil! Are we so free as that? When a fraction of the population that holds the finance, that is to say, the power, requires a majority to pass through its laws and controls, where is democracy? The current scandal U.S. maneuvers on banks that have knowingly cheated on the dates and amounts of payments loans for individuals wishing to access the property in order to rob them of their property, says a lot about the state rotten our democracies and the cracks of what might be called the "democratic contract."
This is now changing into the fittest and smartest. Therefore no limit to the stronger, obviously no protection for the most vulnerable ... and wolves abound in this context: eat and fool the other two main thoughts become societies, companies and their men! The damage level of education, culture or any form of sound reflection is breathtaking!
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Modern Times, Charlie |
In this context, services public, who are increasingly smile some lawyers because they say they never existed or have represented moods of age, are bone, thrown here and there in the field of private companies that seek their own enrichment or their dominance, forming the least, their employees! The expertise, intelligence, understanding of work to be ejected for reasons of profitability and image or communication. What used to take some time to realize there are still a few years, especially in the telecommunications field, is now tied to the goodwill without respect of some periods or outcomes for users. And it also affects the health, safety, justice, school, the university where the very notion of public service becomes a trickle in the process of decomposition.
But the public service as well as laws and constitutions is the first barrier of protection for the population, especially those most vulnerable and powerless, a kind of rampart democracy. Laws wobbly, regulations autistic Constitution which calls for Human Rights but in its general, however, allows a state to enact laws and regulations that continue to knowingly overlook certain categories of persons or counter them in their desire to life. We would all be equal before the law, but some laws just to cut as many do not go to others, never mind that everybody will anyway, and so what if the dress is one of the straitjacket of others ...
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C Mécary |
this connection the question on " Gay marriage is coming these days in France before the constitutional council, according to its president Council consider "whether the law is or is not consistent with the Constitution and general principles of law (...) It This is not for us to make social choices, but to say whether the legislature meets constitutional principles. " However, Caroline Mécary in argument has rightly drawn a parallel with what happened in Canada there are more than five years following the decision of the Canadian Supreme Court in favor of gay marriage. That is, the Canadian Supreme Court became involved and took position to change the laws in question. Thus, the law must apply to everyone, but all preserving individual differences, so no harm them or forgetting them. If the concept remains the same, the application of law can be schematic and uniform, the law must adapt to individuals in the society and not vice versa.
These simple concepts are however very difficult to penetrate the old brains of our so-called oldest democracy. On this issue there we're almost one of the last Western countries unwilling to accept the changes in our society, the PACS sufficient for the legislature to evade their duty to go further in its thinking and proposals of evolutionary laws. One is behind a Constitution and fundamental rights without drawing the obvious implications, the other parliamentary committees creates a cul de sac.
For this and many other reasons, we find that the flaws of democracy are many and the power combined with the money for an active minority can drift toward permanent an insidious subjugation of the majority. Metropolis showed us the citizen-slaves of modern times, walking the same pace, head down and struck with stupor, in a futuristic city. Look around us in our cities excessive, we are not far away: the same masses are at a poorly paid job and s'engluent in endless money problems! But those who pull the strings do not need to get up early to go to work or make plans to survive!
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