Sunday on France Culture, Xavier de la Porte, who runs the excellent program "Place of the Web" quoted at length from a very thorough paper by John Markoff of The New York Times on the robot running the U.S. Army. It happens that I worked a lot on the subject some time ago when I was a reporter at The Tribune of service surveys. The machines in the service of war fascinates me since childhood, when I read the "Robot Stories" from the good Dr. Asimov . With all the technological, ethical and philosophical that it poses to humanity. So here I am releasing an updated version, substantial revision to digest and I had several papers devoted to these nasty killer robots. And yes, before turning totally Gonzo, I was a journalist almost serious!
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"Sasha", Enki Bilal, plate of the album "32 December" |
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The robot "Sword" from the U.S. Army |
D ésormais for the military, the future belongs to robot fighter this ideal always obeys orders, feels neither fatigue nor pain never a problem of conscience or family to be compensated. We are still far type robots "Terminator" to look humanoid. Forget also Artificial Intelligence, Spielberg's film where robots have an "IQ" of 150 ... But we have not seen anything yet. Since, in terms of arms race, the American military-industrial lobby does not do things by halves : 160 billion dollars! It's staggering envelope that the Pentagon got its program to develop robots war "Future Combat System (FCS ) . The never-seen since "Star Wars" of President Reagan. Objective: To equip 32 brigades of robotic vehicles the U.S. Army and Marines by 2015 (or 15% of staff)! Cornaqué by the secretive DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), the giant Boeing pilot Armament Development of 18 robots: reconnaissance vehicles, transport, clearance, artillery, combat and assault ... the full range available.
Bardés sensors, these devices will be able to stand, to spy or to fire on the enemy quite autonomously. These "HSM" (for "unmanned ground vehicles) will receive their orders via a super-soldier military intranet enabling broadband communications via satellite. The network war, the Americans call "Network Centric Warfare (NCW) and the French " Network Centric Warfare "(BOA) has already begun ... For the military use of robots on the battlefield Presented numerous advantages: "The UCAVs can focus efforts in relieving the combatants, especially where the danger is high. They save resources [...]. They ensure permanence and availability of which man is unable for physical reasons ", details a French officer enthusiast site dedicated Checkpoint Online.
Bardés sensors, these devices will be able to stand, to spy or to fire on the enemy quite autonomously. These "HSM" (for "unmanned ground vehicles) will receive their orders via a super-soldier military intranet enabling broadband communications via satellite. The network war, the Americans call "Network Centric Warfare (NCW) and the French " Network Centric Warfare "(BOA) has already begun ... For the military use of robots on the battlefield Presented numerous advantages: "The UCAVs can focus efforts in relieving the combatants, especially where the danger is high. They save resources [...]. They ensure permanence and availability of which man is unable for physical reasons ", details a French officer enthusiast site dedicated Checkpoint Online.
A dragonfly infantryman serving
Dragonfly prototype SillMach Transcausasie, 2025: The oil war is raging. French soldiers of the Coalition for the maintenance of energy supply "approaching their objective: the suburbs of a town held by the enemy. The increase in hostile area looks dangerous for the little band ... Cautiously, the platoon leader out of his holster mesh size of a cigarette pack and extracted a cylinder oval. It is a cocoon containing a recognition microdrone "Dragonfly". Finger pressure is sufficient to liberate the small insect Mechanical 6-cm wingspan which immediately begins hovering before his "master." A hand gesture toward the goal and the "dragonfly" fly one way: for 20 minutes (maximum life), the fighter, stayed well away, have a "remote eye" transmitting live images of the enemy lines. Once the energy of its microcell MEMs exhausted, "Dragonfly" to "Crash" on the ground, the feeling of accomplishment ... "one lost, 10 more in the pocket, then think of the soldier, satisfied with the information collected by the tiny disposable robot. This future scenario is not a figment of the imagination. Since 2004, the General Delegation for Armaments (DGA) is working very seriously on this project "nanodrone" using the latest in "microrobotics bioinspirée" "The challenge is to develop a small UAV capable of fly in a closed room without bumping the walls. This implies a very good ability to hover and a field of vision to 360 degrees. We quickly realized that only nature was capable of such feats. Hence the idea to draw on the Dragonfly ", said an official the project at the DGA. For now, the "dragon" does not fly yet, but the device developed by startup SilMach on behalf of the DGA already knows flapping like a true Anisoptera. "We built on each of its four wings, 180,000 muscles in polycrystalline silicon of the diameter of a hair, the same as on a real dragonfly! It reaches several tens of beats per second " enthuses the man in the DGA. As nanodrone weighs only 120 milligrams, it will not be too difficult to take off. Teach him to view and navigate is another story. But the expert The DGA believes: its "Dragonfly" could be operational within the next twenty years ...
F ace a public opinion increasingly hostile to the war, robots can also sell the illusion of a conflict "zero death" . We understand why the Americans, who have already lost over 5,000 men in Iraq, both are interested. But the motivation is economic: robot type Sword cost $ 250,000 when an IM comes to 4 million, training to retirement! Finally, robots are involved in psychological warfare : When the Gulf War, Iraqi soldiers waved white flags at the mere sight of a drone flying over their position ... After making their debut in the U.S. or banner in the IDF (Israeli army) robots include the arsenal gradually so large armées.Très behind the Americans, Europe Defence plans to spend 5.5 billion euros in research on UAVs by 2012.
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Oil Artist Australian Ashley Wood |
L a general delegation of armament (DGA) is preparing an ambitious program UGVs : "In 2012 we will deploy an experimental unit called" Tactic ". It will include 40 foot, a dozen vehicles, ground robots 5 and 3 drones flying. "Tactic" We will test the pair man-machine operational status " enthuses a controller project at the DGA. On the menu, a whole range of robots on wheels or tracks from 2 kg to 1 tonne. They will arduous missions (transport of ammunition) and Dangerous (reconnaissance in enemy territory or contaminated mine) ... but will not be armed to avoid "blunders".
So will there be one day robots attack the enemy on their own
initiative? American side, it is almost certain that "Doctors Strangelove" the Darpa work on the subject. French side, we refuse - officially - to consider: "There is no question for the army French transfer automation of shooting machines. It would be too dangerous and it is an ethical issue " ensures a military source. Anyway, the "brain" of robots is still too limited. "Despite the rise automated weapons systems, man will always be the center of the fight.
Only he can take the necessary decisions in the heat of the moment and this will still be true long " believes there be in a great industry. Today, the flight of UAVs must be carefully planned and because these devices do not know "surf" alone. For more delicate missions, the "Predator" are even remotely piloted by ace of USAF based at Nellis, Nevada ...
So will there be one day robots attack the enemy on their own
initiative? American side, it is almost certain that "Doctors Strangelove" the Darpa work on the subject. French side, we refuse - officially - to consider: "There is no question for the army French transfer automation of shooting machines. It would be too dangerous and it is an ethical issue " ensures a military source. Anyway, the "brain" of robots is still too limited. "Despite the rise automated weapons systems, man will always be the center of the fight.
Only he can take the necessary decisions in the heat of the moment and this will still be true long " believes there be in a great industry. Today, the flight of UAVs must be carefully planned and because these devices do not know "surf" alone. For more delicate missions, the "Predator" are even remotely piloted by ace of USAF based at Nellis, Nevada ...
Military violate the laws of AsimovNovember 15, 2001, Afghanistan, an unmanned Predator made history by spraying a shot Hellfire missile Mohamed Atef, one of the lieutenants of bin Laden. Since that first, Americans and Israelis have repeatedly used these killer robots to eliminate the "enemy combatant". The military has thus violated the so-called "laws of robotics," Isaac Asimov ... The genius of science fiction (A parade of robots, Robot Dreams Foundation, ...) in fact has devised three basic laws that robots must comply in all circumstances ...
First law: "A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being exposed to danger. "
Second Law: " A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. "
Third Law: " A robot must protect its own existence as long as it does not come into conflict with the First and / or Second Law. "In the work Asimov, robots blindly follow these three laws ... until they come to the conclusion that they are incomplete. They then formulate their own "Law Zero: " A robot may not harm humanity or, through inaction, allow humanity suffers from a disease. "The military resumed their account this ambiguous law that entitles the robots to attack humans. But in Robots and Empire Asimov, the story does not end in happy ending ...
One thing is certain, the richest nations will increasingly war in battalions UAV interposed. Robots killers Wrapped optronic sensors, machine guns and missiles against kamikaze fighters armed with Kalashnikovs and explosives? In Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere, the clash of civilizations looks more and more "asymmetric" ...
Jean-Christophe Féraud
Bonus take a look at this vehicle it is called "Big Dog" is a prototype of the U.S. firm Boston Dynamics. Scary is not it?
And see also this conference (in English) of an American specialist of the subject, PW Singer:
This blog have been helped me to realize the feelings of military people towards the country.
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