J Ulian Assange is probably not the Messiah that all the protesters waited for AlterNet. Wikileaks and is perhaps not the "people's intelligence agency" idyllic dream by his mysterious and very Warholian fondateur.Mais it may be of those rare men who accidentent history and change its course acting as an agent of Chaos creator of a reality hitherto unthinkable: I named the famous "temporary autonomous zones" (TAZ in abbreviated VO) theorized in 1985 by the cyberpunk thinker, philosopher, poet and piratologue Hakim Bey in "TAZ", a Free legal work obviously internet and regularly updated since.
D e What is it exactly?
"The TAZ is like an uprising without direct engagement against the State, a guerrilla operation which liberates an area (field , time, imagination) and then dissolves before the state does crushes, to reform elsewhere in time or space. "
C he concept of" Temporary Autonomous Zone "was made visible so festive by Rave and Techno Free Party movement. And the worst way, by the Black Blocks: activists "Autonomous" fully masked and dressed in black who take advantage of a priori pacifist demonstrations (anti-nuclear, anti -G8, anti-NATO ...) to "liberate" an area facing street (very) violent police. Actions that were never, to my knowledge support Hakim Bey, who only "technology free of political control would make possible a world of autonomous zones" . In "TAZ", written before the advent of the Web ... and Wikileaks, however, that he felt "yet this concept remains the stuff of science fiction, pure speculation" .
But the recent release of 250,000 Wikileaks notes revealing the underside of the American diplomacy, after that of "warlogs" Iraqis and Afghans and their share of blunders committed by the U.S. Army ( see this post and the video "collateral murder ") materialized Utopia "TAZ" by applying it to the field of information . And on a global scale. For the first time in history, a messenger came from the Undernet has dictated his agenda in all media worldwide!
We saw the five largest newspapers - The New York Times, the Guardian, the "Spiegel", Le Monde and El Pais - go meekly to the oracle Wikileaks and mobilize their essays to dissect this enormous mass of documents . And the mad machine of the global village has packaged media, looping on all screens, all rotating around the revelations of these diplomatic notes: Judgement of the U.S. administration in our national Nicolas Sarkozy "frenzied," "impulsive" and "pro-American" to the disturbing ultra-secret nuclear cooperation between Burma and North Korea everything goes.
A September 11 INFORMATION
I t is d ' a huge event in the history of journalism , although some professional skeptics do not see any real scoops in these diplomatic cables ... without perceiving the symbolic significance of this great and historic lighting of scenes of the American Empire. Never such a large volume of classified documents was leaked. The Word Wide Web has made possible the dream of Hakim Bey in "liberating" a "Temporary Autonomous Zone Information" across the Earth! To paraphrase Franco Frattini, Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, who spoke of him "September 11 diplomatic" about "CableGate" Wikileaks has triggered a real "September 11 and the Information . With the highlighting global Behind the scenes of the American Empire made possible by the "hacktivists" Wikileaks and mastery of the Network, nothing will be as before . For proof, just browse, fascinated, deluded in the intricacies of these cables, using the example of very effective application of the "Guardian" or StateLogs our dear Owni hexagonal saucer that had was chosen by Wikileaks to develop the application of Iraqi WarLogs .
Who is Hakim Bey ? Hakim Bey is a pseudonym from the Ottoman "Judge". This in fact probably a virtual identity shared by its creator, Peter Lamborn Wilson and other theorists of the anarchist movement ontological. There are very few pictures of this American born in 1945, who lived in India Afghanistan and Iran in the years 60-70, before returning to live quietly in the United States in a small house near New York. More than any other, Hakim Bey Lamborn, whatever his real name, is a fan of "happy to be subversive and live hidden" ... even though he obviously "housed" long ago by the FBI, CIA and everything the federal U.S. police account. It is in all cases now, well before Assange and the Internet, one of the heroes of the cons-culture anarchist tendencies and foremost, "Hackers" by delivering up to date the myth of the pirate utopias of seventeenth and eighteenth centuries with the famous firebrand named "Taz." Clowns pacifist protests alternative to Derrida through Marilyn Manson, everyone has read it as explained in this excellent edition of "Tracks" on Arte:
M ais back to Assange . The violent reaction of the American Empire and its surrogates to massive leakage of sensitive military-political documents organized in recent months by Wikileaks is trying to make a martyr informational of The Cause. And it totally on the sidelines of his recent arrest in England under a dark rape case in reclassified from "surprise sex" by the Swedish court (case we will leave aside here a precaution against a possible crime or vice versa ... suddenly twisted, and of course with respect the presumption of innocence).
Expulsion Amazon servers that hosted the site f ermeture payment methods Paypal, Visa, Mastercard that allowed users to to support them financially; hateful smear campaign against "cyberterrorism" ranging up to murder calls; leapt from choir bleating old media denouncing the irresponsibility of Assange on "Wikileaks is the worst Stasi" (Catherine Nay on Europe 1) ... We had not seen such outburst does not rely for hour on any legal basis . Freedom of information is indeed a fundamental right guaranteed by the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution in these words: " Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom (...) expression, freedom the press or the right of citizens to assemble peacefully and to send petitions to government for redress of wrongs suffered ".

C is precisely what is being pass. With the Web "rose revolution the slogan of the tocsin to toxin" as provided Hakim Bey. At the close of Wikileaks servers in the U.S., the site responds with a myriad of other servers scattered around the planet. Wikeleaks attempts to muzzle the Internet for free answers by cyber coordinated by the movement of spontex Anonymous and numerous mirror sites we can see here in real time. In France, Libération has decided to host a mirror also . And wide world do u petition was launched on the Network Wikileaks to support the theme "stop the repression": it has already surpassed 500,000 signatures a few hours and is the million this weekend from 11 December. and masked avengers are Anonymous that are changing strategy: now they're calling the Internet community searching through the hundreds of thousands of military and diplomatic records posted by Wikileaks to unearth secrets that would not yet been exploited by the major newspapers. An operation of "crowdsourcing" baptized "LeakSpin" explained below authenticated in a statement posted on YouTube:
S of logan Anonymous: "We Are Anonymous We Are Legion, We do not Forgive " ... In short, it looks as though the Temporary Autonomous Zone Information created by Wikileaks to become permanent, that the "TAZ" envisioned by Hakim Bey actually exists in "this margin of error created by the Empire" : namely the Web . "Babylon is today abstractions for realities ", our cyberprophète say that we are eager to read about.
As Julian Assange , waiting whether it will be extradited to Sweden, he now is probably incapable of "harm" in "civilized" world even though there is little chance it landed in a U.S. jail. But he probably forever changed the paradigm of Information : millions of Internet-citizens now legitimately ask that the transparency on the actions of governments, companies and major in this world, access to brief information on behalf of democracy and the MEDIA on the sidelines of "official". Soon we may hear the slogan "We're all Julian Assange" (provided that that person is cleared of all suspicion of rape). To me that's for sure, must have read Assange Hakim Bey . But he's also think about this crazy sentence of Nietzsche to prepare his notes: "I come as the victorious Dionysus, who will set the world on vacation but I do not have much time ".
Jean-Christophe Féraud
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