Monday, November 15, 2010

Captain Morgan Best With

What about " Data journalism "? We talk on France Culture ...

L e journalism is primarily a matter of flesh and narrative. It is an imperfect and subjective human science that lends itself easily to any attempt to streamline computer ... That's what I tried to explain this Sunday, Nov. 14 broadcast on France Culture where I ais invited to discuss the "data-journalism" by Xavier Delaporte , the producer of the excellent Place of issue online. Around the micro facing me (?), And two young However brightest of the famous "Data journalism" Caroline Goulard of ActuVisu and Nicolas Kayser-Bril Site Owni . Together we kindly redid the game initiated a discussion on this blog.
Since c e ticket a little controversy where I wondered about the relevance of this new technique of presenting information in visual form exclusively, I figure great critic of the famous " Data journalism. " Because I still believe and always a beautiful pen is much better than all the Excel tables to tell the world with the real pieces of humanity within. And I also believe that the reader is still able to read 5000 characters or more, if he tells a story of his time. I do not agree with those who think "a picture is worth a thousand words" or who believe that " hypercommentaires in a world of true mediation of reality is through the data" ( as wrote Nicolas Vambremeersch in an article published by Slate ). But I'm not quite blunt: with the dematerialization of information on all digital screens, the data- journalism is a real plus for understanding and analysis of the news in the making when he combines the talents of journalist, the statistician, a computer graphics designer and programmer to create beautiful interactive and animated graphics in the service drive on a PC, smartphone or iPad. We'll have more work to "pool". newsrooms will have to form this new technique is to collect masses of complex data (numbers, statistics, annual reports ...) to extract relevant information before presenting it in for I am very visual, educational and sometimes entertaining. In the words of Caroline Goulard, "the data-journalism can better understand the world" . It will contribute to making "fine media" online. That is obvious. But I am convinced that should not confuse the essential - the journalism - and the illustration bears the narrative . The actual mediation of reality by the journalist will always by word, writing, narrative, analysis, put into perspective and commentary. Without this the picture does not say anything or deceive the viewer. " virtual image is the machine that sees, feels for you and your liquid assets as being in favor of a passive " , wrote Paul Virilio.
But finally, at the end of the debate, we tend to agree with Caroline and Nicolas.
Well, I hope we have been clear in all the three micro-France Culture to talk about this little radio. Judge for yourself by clicking on the player of the show below:


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