postulates my radar screen in the category "Web News" . If you are a (e) faithful of this blog or if you fell over your random ramblings on the Web, you can vote below to support me and give me a chance to win the pretty clipboard which serves trophy.
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As I recounted in this post entitled My Radar Screen Year 2.0 " I went into this adventure a year ago for c VERVIEW daily seismic effects or bow of the digital revolution on my journalism, our lives as citizens and our children-mutant ; news, history and culture in the making and discard. .. After 65 chronic a lot of doubts and existential questions - To blog or not to blog - I'm still here. And I am determined to continue this masochistic exercise is to spend sleepless nights and weekends at the keyboard and the screen of my computer wan instead of yielding to my natural inclination for laziness and hedonism. I owe it to about 8,000 unique visitors each month who spend on my counter Google Analytics. I also owe because " I have still not done this to stop there , surrender in open digital campaign. Let drift this blog in cyberspace as a tiny dust journalistic experience and personal visits over soon and oxygen ... " (self-cited quotation from the ticket ;-)
Blogging is a combat sport, your support I needed to keep the rate of 4 large bills a month that I'm self-inflicted ... so if you like vote for my radar screen!
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