Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dora The Explorer Pattern

journalism in the wild

E n Verily I say unto you, go beyond the journalism, to find the raw power of words, be wild. standardized Journalism as practiced today is no longer sufficient to describe reality in its dull and stupid brutality " ... I had to be a bad day the other day when I tweeted a few words raging in two 140 signs. I was thinking about journalism as Cioran thought to literature by writing "I dream of a language whose words, like fists, smashing the jaw" (thank you @ CapAlexandre which reminded me of this quote during an exchange on our site microblogging preferred). I also thought this Twitstory Friend's @ christreporter : "We are not born to be tamed. We are beasts who can play the docile animals. This applies to journalism here and now, I thought.
Another one of those that I pronunciamento the secret that will not fix my e Matamoros-reputation of the press. ... But perhaps on reflection twice, I realized that throughout my tweets and blog posts, I was digging hard, and for months the same furrow for planting the seed of this idea that Rousseau turned loop in my head :
" Go beyond standard of journalism, to find the raw power of words found in the wild to describe the brutality of the real" .

I can already hear the sneer of industry professionals: another failed writer who believes they have been around the business! And the mockery of hungry young journalists: even an aristocrat of the old press that pretends to want to shake the coconut without giving up its pension ... Do not say we lready time of Honore de Balzac that journalism is a profession of dilettantes and parasites carried by those who know nothing else to do? Maybe. I accept the omen. One thing is sure, journalism as I learned, as I have known and practiced in the 90s, is well and truly dead and buried .
finished craftsmanship of the pen and time closures enthusiastic finish the given time in the time of the investigation and writing, natural distrust towards authorities and notify them exit the sense of teamwork and pride in the map of the press ... place for convicts and Web companies to produce standardized information "disclaims all media" as said another. Other than me, before me, beginning with the intransigent Narvic , made the same observation as bitter our major newspapers were downsizing with a vengeance, turned into companies to produce standardized information, became the "Marks" soulless and stories literally and figuratively ... not foresee a second the end of their paper world.
Rather than invest millions in printing and new formulas as many desperate battles delay, these icons of the press would have done better hexagonal go to meet their reader 2.0, inventing new forms of online journalism, to develop the young journalists Web instead of turning them into the OS info, open to the tremendous richness of the blogosphere ... So learn to surf the large digital tsunami so as not to wreck. But that's another story I already told here.
And it is better to look ahead, go ahead. Old newspapers of the era Gutenberg who have not been able to adapt are probably doomed to extinction, as Newsosaures . But journalism, he is not dead. ink and paper or digital stream on all screens, q u'importe support. The need for information, reading and storytelling to bring the real, keep and transmit the memory, building history, is a critical need since man is man. Journalism is not dead. It is just sick , before torpor and indolence, won by resignation to the company image. Journalism is not death he just needs a shock ... to endanger, a little back to this revelation of the wild, the denunciation of the verve and the word that we no longer margins in the art. In snipers of online journalism ( Mediapart , Rue89, Free Electron ...), among explorers of new frontiers of digital information ( Owni ), some magazines ( " XXI "). And on some blogs of journalists, enclosed or not. These cons-interzone of journalistic culture in which we invent and reinvent the way to inform, tell, to testify for and against the denial environment.
"This journal will be like an ambush in the jungle of information" , proclaimed the manifesto proto-Mao "Liberation" at the birth of the newspaper in 1973. Any program that I make my own (of Maoism in less time). When my day is complete official reporter, I left my costume reasonable and I become a little wild on this blog. I do not spit in the soup which is pretty good in my journal, I'm rather proud of my team, happy to drop the copy and leave my pages every day. But like many, I a need for Elsewhere, another thing in practice and journalistic writing.

Gonzo Call it post-journalism, journalism subjective or literary journalism or real as it seems the real movie ... as you want. It's very presumptuous. But I just think my pleasure to write about the world around us by breaking the usual codes may experience more intensely than the reader. What this player, even without knowing it, he wants something other than the junk food that he serves informational daily in the canteen of newspapers and websites standardized. That journalism is primarily a business of supply, not demand. "There are journalists who are interested in what interests the public and those of concern to the public what interests them. These are the great" wrote Gilbert Cesbron .
Conversely, with a little practice, standard journalism is not rocket science . To choose a topic, there is the thread of the AFP and the constant demands of press who understand that an article called worth less than a page of advertising. To get a scoop as we get a bone, it are the essential sources "authorized" and other "story teller". Two, three phone calls to check and go. Write an article to be read as they say in CFJ is not complicated in itself : grip commonplace, it meets five or six "W" (Who, What, Where, When, How and why?), we construct the paper inverted pyramid (the largest retail) as we have learned in school, drop and hop cliche it folded! On TV, on radio, where it draws its subjects in the newspapers is the same, always the same launches, the absence of risk and originality.
So I want to say to young (and old) journalists who want to try something else, all those who still have the strength and desire: if you have a little energy in the evenings, nights and weekends, and especially if you do not expect to live, venture into the margins of the Web and the blogosphere to write as you feel , take the ball from the news as it comes and type! Do not hate the media , Be The Media ! Listen more storytellers, quit your jobs stuck, get out into the street, go to meet people, facts, reality, back to being witnesses, you trust your eyes, your ears, your Judgement ...
Then write not only to be read but also to please your reader and make you happy: play, dance with words like an Indian shaman like a Hunter S. Thompson, or be as specific and a professional journalist of the New York Times ... Whatever the style of the bottle as long as you pass the intoxication of the moment. M ais always stay faithful to the facts and witness the real . This is the essence of art. Be hyper-realistic or impressionistic, but call a spade a spade, a cat a cat, a poor a poor, injustice injustice, a crook a crook. In short, be wild, adventurous, adventurous, take risks and do not take the reader for a fool, he will thank you. And knows, maybe you'll hear your small dissenting voice in the ambient hum. and participate in your own way to the revolution of the info tomorrow. Sometimes a good paper turns into pavement launched in the old duck pond.
Jean-Christophe Féraud

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dailymotion Slow On Wifi

Blogging is a sport fighting ... I speak on RFI Brothers

M we Radar Screen s When prompted on the air. Finally it is the opposite ...;-) After my time at Radio Suisse Romande last June I was invited last week to micro Radio France Internationale (RFI) to talk about my work as a journalist-blogger in full turmoil digital. I spent some quality time with Ziad Maalouf and Cedric Kalonji that animate all issuing Mondoblogs Media Workshop . Paradoxically, this is my ticket back on the throes of blogging and my doubts about the future of this blog that experience got me the invitation!
reinflated block since I had every opportunity to decline my usual obsessions: blogging is a combat sport, writing is a pleasurable pain, Twitter is a hard drug, we're all replicants digital ... Anything goes with my machine gun flow worthy of Jean-Luc Delarue (the 5 grams per day in DC at least, I assure you this blog is 100% organic ...). The regulars will not be disoriented. If I understand The show will air Saturday, September 25 at 11:30 am on the frequency 89.0 and webcastée in the wake of the show's website .
That hope did not say too much trouble. You be the judge by clicking on the podcast below that my friends have already sent the RFI in preview, just to help me with vile corporate self-promotion. Nothing but brandeurs journalists who hang out on Twitter! Liberation, which is recalled recently in this paper . Besides, imagine that you Steven Jambot Luin was also in the studio ;-)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Do Movie Starswear Deodorant

From Bosch Murakami, and if Versailles was Japanese. ...

Murakami at versailles
Small "stress" cultural rights are not so ridiculous that they can shake us up a bit and we take a very gloomy day because large parts gray and black or mists endless. They give us the opportunity to think about art, about ourselves and the place that all these objects of art, design, and every day in a great maelstrom of the past and embracing the latest innovations creators of the world, occupy in our hearts and our dreams.

furniture Empire style

The mixture has always existed in art, furniture, decoration and fashion, at least since the time when art was considered as such! They were loving Roman Greek sculptures, cardinals love with Rome and ancient Greece that made their palaces the first "museum" private, aristocrats and explorers who gave such a taste for antiques or Belzoni Schliemann , and also inspired styles of distant civilizations as the "style Empire "that flourished especially after the campaigns of Bonaparte in Egypt and Art Deco inspired also of Egyptian art.

jewelry art deco

Should we also add the taste and the popularity of Japanese and Chinese porcelain in Europe since the fifteenth century and weight by following the East India Company in the import coveted porcelain (china clay research and discovery in France in the second half of the eighteenth s near Limoges used in the manufacture of hard porcelain, following this passion), the influence of Japanese prints on the paint impressionistic, the emergence of African art in the West through artists like Braque and Picasso that will revolutionize the art of the twentieth century and I certainly forget.

So it's a melting pot which has been constant focus, meet and learn from works, know-how and designers from backgrounds different from now and ever.

Japanese porcelain
This ferment has a weave and probably could be speak of "miscegenation" in art as can be expressed since the man travels back and concepts, colors, shapes and ideas from elsewhere.

For example, the recent retrospective of the work of Yves Saint Laurent at the Petit Palais in Paris showed the extraordinary wealth of imagination of the great couturier who has sought throughout his life forms and new materials, his wife and many other African make creations through the prism of references a tribute to womanhood.

creation of YSL
Tastes just do not coexist in the space between a local tradition or national and external elements from the East and other continents fascinating weddings can also be done between different concepts from the same company, mixing ancient and modern. The Beaubourg museum has been an early and important example that has implanted in the heart of a district of Paris which was rooted between the XVII and XIX s s, same for the Pei pyramid.

work of Murakami

The controversy now running around the museum of Versailles and works by Takashi Murakami , like yesterday for Jeff Koons, seems therefore rather meet a very special relationship that public opinion associated with Versailles and the Sun King rather than a so-called bias towards art forms.

Behind the "do not touch Versailles" to his style and his time is especially a " does not blur the image I have with the mythical palace of Versailles " had to be, because for every French Versailles seems to have become the refuge and sacred image of a France timeless at the height of his greatness, recognized and admired by all! That's my sense what is at stake or "I" (to make a play on words to Lacan) the case with modern artists exposed for some time at Versailles.

Niki de Saint Phalle
But for this "sacred" intransigent quietly leaves the room for art research, to question, to dream should accept the idea that there are no sacred space in which time can not act and that everything in the field of creation takes place and is intrinsically linked caves of Lascaux to the anti- art of the educated man to wildlife from the abyss!

The mixture of shapes and styles has always been there, I think he, since men covet the goods of other nations and it brings home the booty .

Today, out of no great interest the controversy about the installation or not of modern works in the heart of a great castle century, we find that our homes are become global hubs of styles, trends and inspirations very disparate cabinet Tibet alongside the Swedish furniture, Italian design poses beside Chinese pottery, all on a carpet in the Middle East or South America ... On our shelves novelists Greek, Chinese, Mexican and live music cd coexist between Andes, parts and other medieval religious world of islands ...

work of Murakami

Aged 48, Japanese Takashi Murakami , explores art that probably surprised us because it is rooted in the art of manga is to say, Japanese comics and cartoons, which for decades have gradually flooded the world. Building on the past while those exceeding the "grotesque drawings" (the name given initially by Hokusai in a series of cartoons published in the early nineteenth century) drawings have become familiar to millions of young people 's identify the "hero" by adopting hairstyle, clothes and gadgets of all kinds.

millefiori Murano

But this world is it so confusing for us? The "flowers reminiscent of Murakami they do not millefiori Murano in their gushing, geometric perfection of their shape and brightness of their colors? The characters are they not close relatives of those invented by pop art, including Keith Harring? Niki de Saint Phalle has she not already conceived human beings worthy of the "Star Wars"?

Moya creates Nice does he not also a dream world inspired by him and chewed like a character BD? And to go further back, Hieronymus Bosch, well ahead of its time, did he not open the doors of a bestiary half man-half animal as daunting as surreal?

The colorful, very quirky, very delusional already expressed for a long time on the paintings or sculptures!

Ultimately nothing is so new that, everything changes and now everything is going very quickly, since everything is accessible, assimilated and reinvented through the highways of the Internet in this strange world culture Nebula where we operate.

Detail of a painting by Hieronymus Bosch

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Skeletor Vs. Beastman Mp3

Women of Past and Present

At a time when women are still subject to much injustice and criminal behavior, even in the West, and that worldwide fanaticism are relegated to the role of servants whose lives matter and that should be eliminated to feed the machine grinding the brains and men, today the example of " Sakineh " Iran reminds us cruelly (see link for the petition at the end of article) , I am proposing today a reflection on two exceptional women writers who have held high the fragile standard of humanity ...

* * *

Poetry is a matter of "heart" must have some nerve to be awake somehow! Many say they are in fact little or not at all interested in poetry, considered as a museum piece and stuffed dead, but they do not even realize that this same poetry took refuge in singing and in other media called "media" such as photography, so do Should we not wake up our brains, our curiosity and indulge in the slow waltz of words ...

Today I want to share with you a sweet poetry, poetry of the everyday kind that has fallen into any quarrel membership any group which owes everything to the extreme sensitivity of their champion, namely two single women, who have mastered the authentic rhythms, the words and inspiration with a science instinctive.

Marceline Desbordes Valmore (1786-1859) and Marie Christmas (1883-1967) are among the few French poets of our literature. As has been said and found poetry is unfortunately a "people business" for centuries ... This already means two things: both the limited space devoted to literary women in the past and still the little publicity and recognition around these women writers curiously little known to the general public, despite more room left for women in recent decades in the literary field.

The few women writers that we know of the XIXth century, up to half of the twentieth century owe their success now seems to me there than in air of scandal that could wrap their careers in their infancy, such as Georges Sand, Colette and Sagan, as the vice of the communication highlights sides "sour" or unusual at the expense of those whose lives are of less influence and greed.

But why this silence and forgetfulness about these poets? This is neither the talent they lack, or the originality of their works, often ahead of their time! Without doubt one could blame them during their lives too much discretion and humility about their publications and after death without a literary Pygmalion to help us realize the value of their creations and inspire us to discover them!

One of these women began his career in early 19 th century first as an actress in theater and one in the early 20 ° s and have had an immense gift for poetry, a kind of pure poetry and very easy to come away from the sterile quarrels style or movement where to rub delight of exuberant hacks while ranting and mindless scribblers fantastic creative.

Away from all these upheavals, the two women offered a beautiful reflection on life, opening their heart through a daily simple and touching, reaching an undeniable beauty in their versification In the inventive rhythms and employees in the deployment of all of their verses diversified structures, all in a manner as natural as spontaneous.

They leave a testimonial of inestimable quality and great depth. They are above all "authentic", and revealed that part so delicate and elusive to grasp is that, in painting the feelings and sensations experienced, the essence of a being and the glimpses of a lifetime.

Marceline Desbordes Valmore - The separated

Do not write. I'm sad, and I would extinguish me.
The beautiful summers without you is the night without a torch.
I closed my arms can not reach you,
And knock on my heart is beating to the grave.
Do not write!

Do not write. Do not learn to die to ourselves.
Do not ask God to ... but you, if I loved you!
Deep in your absence hear that you love me,
hear is heaven without ever mounted.
Do not write!

Do not write. I fear you, I'm afraid my memory
She kept calling me your voice often.
Do not show the white water that can not drink it.
A dear writing is a living portrait.
Do not write!

Do not write these sweet words I dare not read
It seems that your voice pours them upon my heart;
What I see them burning through your smile
It seems that a kiss imprinted on my heart.
Do not write!

Mary Christmas - Song

When he walked into my house closed
J'ourlais a heavy cloth at the window,
Winter in the fingers, the shadow on the back ...
know since when I was there not be?

And I sew, I sew, I sew ...
"My heart, what were you doing?

He asked me the tools to us.
My feet ran, so lively in the room,
they appeared, if gays, if light, so soft, -
Two small birds caressing the slab

From this, and there, going, going, going ...
-my heart, what what you wanted?

He asked for butter, bread,
-opening it in my hand stroking the hutch-
cider again, and my hand was going
stroked bowls, table, pitcher.

Twice, ten, twenty times I ... touched
"My heart, what you were looking for?

It made me any thirty-six why.
I talked about everything from chickens, goats,
cold, hot, people, and my voice
Leaving me stroking my lips ...

And I talked, I talked, I talked ...
"My heart, what do you say?

When he party to finish the hem
That I left, I sat ...
The needle was singing, the needle flew,
My fingers caressed our brown canvas ...

And I sew, I sew, I sew ...
-my heart, what were you doing?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Land Line In Bangalore

human, what makes us as Twitter?

The replicating Roy played by Rutger Hauer in the finale of "Blade Runner"
" A unreal life force, perhaps one day we say to people IRL (in real life): I saw so many things that you humans will never see " ... This week I tweeted twice this personal reflection inspired by the final scene of" Blade Runner ". The @ Garriberts of "Libération" I pointed out. I thank them here, they have germinated the idea, the desire to write this post. That's what I told them " I love to repeat the sound of our babbling, K. Dick preaching in the wilderness of confused Twittosphere ".
Preaching? Yes why not. For fellow human beings, I wonder more and more : but what Twitter is doing us? Of "replicants" digital perhaps ... As a medium outlining one of our possible future in his books uchronic , the brilliant Philip K. Dick predicted in "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep" 's vast novel "SF" which was the basis for the scenario of "Blade Runner" by Ridley Scott : one day we will probably be impossible to distinguish man from machine, the real people of their mock ...
That day might have arrived in AD 2010: the year Internet real-time began to follow us everywhere, on all our screens, making us mutants permanently connected. I open my eyes tired these days and nights online and I think that we , frenzied network of "social" Twitter, are perhaps trying to confuse us with our Avatars Our digital identities in this parallel world ... Twitter is becoming more important in our lives, until we go away to the real, to ourselves. Look up, look us mesmerized by the river of words, info, thoughts and emotions that runs on our touch screens .
The only thing was that plagues us is: what happens there at this moment there in the Twittosphere? What this tells you, what's the story, LOL the day? Am I quoted? Taken for this post, this link or this unique wit ? Do I have received DM, these private messages that get closer between Twitteraddict (I hate no one vulgar anglicism of "Twittos")? Shit I'll still have to go back six hours of "time line" (TL) to be sure not to have missed something ....
We walk in the street or take the subway without seeing the people, at home we watch movies with your family without being there, looking away or staring at the iPhone; we speak less to people who love us still true to our side for weaving of strange friendships and even love with strangers who we become very close; the office, colleagues are not true about us in open space but Tweetdeck permanently open on the screen of our desktop ...
replica Caught in "Blade Runner"
I've already mentioned my addiction, our, in this interview "Twitter is a hard drug for Journalists "and also this post " To Be or Not To Be a tweet'journalist ". But six months ago, one year, an eternity wide world of micro-blogging, I conceived this compulsive use of the message in 140 characters only as a business tool. I never thought I would immerse myself in this limbo of the virtual TwittRéalité ...
early morning, while still flowing coffee, I turn on my computer and your welcome me babbling. I say "Hello Twitterland" tweeter and I start my press review, my relationships, knowing what my day will be made as a journalist. but most important, the most reassuring, perhaps, is that you are all here . As every morning. You watchmen tireless and compulsive as @ @ GillesKlein or florencedesruol . You colleagues and friends @ Zara, Zetwitte @, @ Capucine_Cousin and many others. You Aliens of the Saucer Owni : @ nicolasvoisin , @ @ sabineblanc LeGuillaume and the whole crew. You young journalists-brandeurs StevenJambot @ @ @ Cecile_Jandau JeremyJoly and many others that are just the future of art ;-) You LOLeurs as @ vincentglad who are less and less trash Cynics that your "TL" could suggest. The evening also, there are night owls like Ménilmuche @, @ Donjipez , the beautiful Belgian patrols Web-London @ IsabelleOtto or divine and so literary @ OhOceane.
I forget a lot, there are so many amazing people, interesting, exciting to be mentioned when following nearly 500 people on Twitter.
I read your thoughts in 140 characters, I like your words to all , these fragments of experience and humanity, they accompany me day and night ... but they also keep me away from real life . Even if we sometimes meet IRL. And we are doing real business meetings and humanities. So regularly, trying to win without much success ... ;-) "Twitter is like crack, it scares me" blogger wrote "New York Times. It's the truth. You Twitteraddict you have all tried and adopted this dope from the permanent connection real time ... And after all why resist this wonderful virtual experience? It's fascinating to construct a different reality, a parallel world paradoxically engaging with reality, the top of which we see in the news walking, small and great history in the making. That's what I was pointing @ choregie7 the other day on Twitter: "But that's why I write under pseudonyms, it is real, I'm not! What I saying here's the reality. "
Where is the real life? Unreal and IRL ... Both realities merge and overlap more and more inextricably . Maybe we're the transhumans in the process of merging with the network through our pseudopodia Digital - smartphones, tablets and other laptop - which become as extensions of ourselves ... Philip K. Dick had predicted there are more than 40 years. Another indicator Outer lúdicas, Michel Houellebecq I am currently reading "The Map and the Territory", the clinical findings and without emotion today: " While animal species are the most insignificant of thousands, sometimes millions of years to disappear manufactured goods are removed from the globe within days. We too will become obsolete "...
Maybe we're just trying to mutate and evolve to support the great digital revolution. To avoid being hit by obsolescence. To survive. Without becoming machines, not sacrificing our humanity. In the same way that Roy, replicating the Nexus "Blade Runner" was desperately trying to become human, we try to establish on Twitter and elsewhere intuitive neuronal connections and quasi-biological Internet. This living organism that is becoming the World Wide Web, t ransformation the world into a global village, digital, irrigating a multitude of digital data as a vital fluid pulsing heart through a vast network of blood vessels made of copper and fiber optic ... (Search self-plagiarism ;-).

To finish this post a bit deluded, I can not resist the pleasure to offer you the final scene of "Blade Runner". Roy, who wanted to be replicating a man "I saw so many things you people would not believe, large ships on fire rising from the shoulder of Orion ..."


Jean-Christophe Féraud