Friday, July 23, 2010

Which Oil Is The Original Wesson

Film: "The first who said" - (Mine Vagant)

" We do not live for other "this could be the motto of the latest movie Ferzan Ozpetek, Turkish-born filmmaker who lives and works in Italy and gives us regularly since the late 90's endearing and original films on the theme of homosexuality .

ago in the film "The first who said " (Italian title: Mine Vagant , drifting mines) enough to spend almost two hours very enjoyable even if it is not a "work" exceptional since Ozpetek delivers a very meticulous staging and a course of action that leaves no one indifferent, all wrapped in music that hangs well.

The ingredients are fairly basic at first glance, or even simplistic caricature: a big Italian family in port royal, whose fortune is based on the "pasta" a father proud, macho and homophobic, a mother who postpones his taste of power over both good whipping boy, a grandmother who embodies the common sense and acceptance of the past serves as a leitmotif throughout the film and who bows out as "La grande bouffe", two gay brothers, one of which cuts the grass under the foot to the other hence the title of the film in French, a touch of bisexuality, and missed "Friends" cast of gay prideur or Priscilla crazy pasta ...

Everything is good stereotype, but this little "horn", as defined Noble's term comes to life and surprises, seduces and hopefully calls may be those who have remained at a very backward view of homosexuality as a defect or disease! With a laugh or smile because you spend a lot of messages, Ozpetek seems to do the same here. Firstly we must not forget that we are in Italy, one of the last pillars of a society based on family and religion, or at least its appearance again, where the male's role remains that of reproductive and master. The "berlusconades" are an example of daily narcotic.

More than anything, our modern Balzac with his camera explores this bourgeoisie cardboard "pasta" that absolutely wants to give an image of strength and durability, including through the sacred marriage. For the rest, everything seems cracked up to close examination ... The gaze of the other, what people will be asked, however, is the essential element that will determine the attitudes of this couple hard and earthy.

In a nutshell: the return of the prodigal son, Tommaso (Riccardo Scamarcio), believed bristling with business degrees and has used his freedom to clinch Roman letters instead of diplomas is sort of the detonator of this comedy ie! He tells his older brother Antonio (Alessandro Preziosi), he loves literature and the boys and launch his idea of coming out as "ice bomb" during a meal the whole tribe (do not forget the Italian title: Mine Vagant )! But that's coming out announcement will lead to a revelation faster and even more surprising! Because it will be nice Antonio that out of the closet to pasta, will play the role of lightning rod and carry away the laurels of Freedom and Torch gay and be banished out of this little family ... hell

So curiously Tommaso that remains frozen throughout the film in its role as a good son, a father before whining, without uttering a single word about his "homosexuality" against his family. It will break the silence to designate as a man of letters who need to devote his life to writing! But nothing is said about what it is and on any claim of freedom of life and action! He admits that he simply can not invest in the factory with his father only horizon ribbons of spaghetti or macaroni sections!

add that this refusal to come out is caused by two reasons: the desire to preserve his father a black anger that would lead back to the hospital and the tune of an awakening or awakening of a bisexuality that puts everything in front of the beautiful thing Alba (Nicole Grimaudo).

The film is full of small sketches that everyone should experience and falls within the dish "pasta"!

I hope in a future gay and lesbian festival, which will soon have the chance to attend a retrospective Ferzan Ospetek because his films of great humanity, poorly distributed in France or have not met their critics and audiences, still undiscovered by many spectators, LGBT or not.


Ferzan Wikipedia Link Ozpetek: C3% 96zpetek

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hair Fall Kottakal Arya Vaidya Shala

Paul Klee painting of the Buddha!

I dedicate this article to Sonja Chiffot, a friend who combines artistic talent that psychotherapist!

"By cutting green, brown and lilac,

" By instilling in milky white clouds

"Shedding light than our eyes reveal,

" This is the universe before us all, to every man

"And every woman and each child king amused

"What we create Happy Here thousand points of stars!

" There thousand arrows! Stammering alphabets black

"whose meaning, so harmonious, is our secret ..." JL Garac

For this short poem, I tried to paint a canvas personal invite you to discover or rediscover Paul Klee. Klee is because for me poetry in painting, a rare concentration of happiness, exuberance, vision and philosophy as well. Maybe he is to painting what Mahler is to music, humming in his own way "a brother Jacques" while preparing adagios sensitive like all the colors can take the love and giving.

modes devote particular artist as the headlights of a particular century, but our truths are others, take for example Picasso, described as the genius of his time, what would he do without the incessant dialogue it had undertaken with his friends and other contemporary painters famous painters died long ago? This set of "mirror" and "reflections" certainly give flashes and "light" news, but it can also create shade for other creators.

Some like Klee may appear less spectacular but there is in it a density and a compendium of emotions that take us by the throat when one discovers the painting after painting, and that we abandon our "blinders "or all" format "...

The unclassifiable Paul Klee traveled the early twentieth century like a shooting star! Escaping the Nazis and saving his dream world of signs and forms in monochrome. He announced in the new century disrupted a strange fusion of colors, writing, and breath, perhaps mystical, in the heart of a new vision to find itself.

Paul Klee has also taught painting and liked to show his students the very formation of life in the lineage of the "naturphilosophie" (see note ), search for fullness, control and calm, which was developed in late eighteenth century Germany.

But nothing pompous or boring at home, he has this amazing ability to delve into her imagination, a perfect fluid, to find the crystals of innocence and happiness. The world he paints is one that is given to every man in his heart, a magical and playful, that of a childhood filled with wonder, where the color structure and determines our feelings and our actions.

Klee also was nicknamed "the Buddha of the Bauhaus" (see note ), and this feeling comes from his philosophical work: we feel a measure of closure to colors of the soul, diffused light to achieve a soft reflection that does not prevent the protest of a terrible sadness to the idea of a needless death and suffering infinite, as the indelible mark of the monstrous events of his era.

Through his travels, notably in North Africa, he discovered the powerful vibration of colors that will continue to inhabit his work as a sacred reference. Using patterns and trends of his time (cubism, expressionism, abstraction), but not really join, it will never be independent from a tour of his dreams some famous landscapes. As the man loves to put labels on everything easier, perhaps also why Klee surprise a lot of criticism and remain below the front of the stage of the great painters ...

But Klee proposes works superbly original authtentique punctuated with signs as a text input and hesitant to announce the best and the worst in our lives. The title of his paintings, however, guides us in the interpretation we can propose and reveals part of the mystery or enigma that each table holds.

His work is also close to that of Kandinsky, unlimited forms and rich palette color, which he was a friend. Their universe resonate the same worlds: M colors, modulations forms, revelations of what we no longer see, but the reminder of the diversity may be too disturbing conformism .

His search for an almost hieroglyphic writing, renewed from one table to another, I think soon announce the beginning of the twentieth century many other pictorial research that will develop from the sixties, from a vision of signs related characters and signs, as in the compositions of Keith Haring.

In the exhibition is devoted to Paul Klee Musée de l'Orangerie in Paris, I was particularly fascinated by a painting, one titled "A star rises "and I'll try to describe it simply (unfortunately not available on the net reproduction):

On a background of hazy blue-gray, blue, yellow-orange, which seems soak up the colors of the galaxies themselves, s'allignent over the entire surface of the canvas points hanging light yellow tinge.

Is this a universe of stars? Enlightenment of the big cities? Points of fires?

Some "square", "rectangles", "traits" and "zigzags" modulate the background of eternity, perhaps, are they blue or red eyes brought on this world for ever!

top of the table, a blue star with six branches as the star of David, but oddly darker than the rest of the table, is connected to a slight zigzag wire.

Imagine a ball gone? A Kite missed? A Star of Destiny?

Two large horizontal lines mark the horizon, or what is called imaginary wharf Earth, where if we want our own limitations. Where will escape the star, and what will be our horizon once gone?

Despite a light feeling of sadness came over me and I feel very alone in the world, but what world? That unreachable colors and lights of the cosmos, the one I keep in me, that of Klee, whom I would like to catch a child that I have not ceased to be?

But remember we are in 1931, when Klee painted this work, and that the West will capsize slowly toward the abyss.


Paul Klee: Wikipedia article

Bauhaus, definition: Wikipedia article

The Naturphilosophie: Wikipedia article

Paul Klee Museum in Berne: info about the museum

Musée de l'Orangerie, Paris: exhibition Paul Klee until July 19, 2010

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Cervix Stayed High After Ovulation


The gay pride parade in Paris, the "reference" has become a big parade so techno or love ! Procession of thousands of maggots twitching, undulations and desires to show himself to all by not speaking to anyone! Is this another manifestation purely LGBT? I ask this question because the number of "dancers" style high school or college and straight or bi who swarm to the majority in the procession ...

The 3-minute silence has struggled to settle and no one seemed to understand that this referred to the dead of AIDS, and presumably also the victims of homophobia. To find banners claims in this march of pride, do not miss either the first 10 meters, after I did not see that little slogans to advance LGBT rights. This gay-pride seemed rather moderate, not too often interrupted by great whites where nothing was happening. We saw people dressed as always but parading without enthusiasm or joy pouting!

Some tanks including the dynamic FLAG * , manic and very friendly, and others sounding the same music from the days of our parents ... "There is no break" with the text message, my friends gave me the signal of a downturn in the Marais and, given my fatigue, I appreciated to slip away here and there crossing deserters colored angels plucked too soon ...

The next day I enjoyed the concert given pride to the City Council of the 3rd arrondisement where the association * Podium had invited two other choirs! Under a blazing sun this afternoon was friendly and gay-friendly, one can only wish them to have an even wider audience for the music as everyone knows it soothes the soul and puts a lot of posts including that of tolerance and friendship. I can not do by talking about the exceptional CARAMELS CRAZY * delight that for decades the gay world of Paris and their friends!

This year they have restored Madam Mouchabeurre I saw last year. Apart from the fact that this show, unusual and full of humor, enthusiasm and zest for life, was given in a theater Unfortunately, out of breath (seats, carpet, decorations tattered state of falling ...), I had a rare moment where room scene and merge all the way!

Paris the great modern Babylon sucks its tourists to the last euro! All or almost smell the scam: exorbitant prices, mediocre performance, reception limit! For example, the "gourmet coffee" becomes "coffee Ugly", the additions must be watched very closely because it glides on prices, and against you, half the time! In restaurants you will look long any decline in VAT, which is the general decline in quantity and quality of your "base" ...

surprise-free restaurants Japanese restaurants are very affordable, but we must get used to eating the same standardized products manufactured and unimaginative, more practically nobody speaks French is rather annoying to be understood unless it is a "political" defined to avoid unnecessary dialogue with customers ... In Japan where I finished lunch, I asked for a jug of water, however the waitress returned with the addition and shoe blue card ... I tried to tell him that I was still thirsty and when she admitted her mistake, she laughed endlessly, repeating what would become for sure the joke of the year in the Asian world Paris! She said in the wings shaking of the head, how retarded child, and pronouncing the words as if she was eating a sticky red bean jam, slightly changing the tone and syllables each times: "catrafeudwo", "catraveudwo", "carafodwou"

The gay lambda is not immune to these "scams" we also emphasize that from the moment we realized that we were an economic windfall sesame rights and acceptance has slowly opened. The gay scene has felt how could extract money to this good little people who let themselves so easily lead by the end of her sex and falling billboards in all the stereotypes: the fantasy is king, revolves around him and the image it must constantly build.

However, "The king is naked" but who has the courage to say and to denounce this situation? In the fairy tale, only a young boy, far from all the sycophants, the crying out loud!

Prices are rising steadily as well! That some schools are less crowded than before, who cares! The boss prefers to kill the golden egg balls instead of real boys that hosting motivated. More Paris since the beginning of the crisis is less and less capital hot and sexy she likes to brag about yet: the figures making faces, sneering lurk, sleeping filled with beer and boredom are enthroned in the basement, dressed in the leather and tattoos are the supermodels pretentious and untouchable, "The Thousand and One Nights" Scheherazade version of hot gay and become "The thousand and one references" home razed ...

In everything he does is stay a little discovery and culture, particularly with Lalanne! As tender as I would like my labor to someone finally fennel and loving and human bite full teeth with him in an apple-clock to catch up, an apple-mouth to chew the same dream and get out of my shell by sliding a finger fearful ...


FLAG : police association gay and lesbians

Association Podium : gay choir

caramels crazy : Association caramels crazy

Museum of Decorative Arts, the Louvre, Paris : the exhibition Lalanne

* Pictures are by Jean-Louis Garac , except for apple (expo Lalanne, decorative arts museum, the Louvre) and posters.